
studies on vibrio parahaemolyticus in bombay. 19751219912
bluetongue virus infection in india: a review.the history and epizootiology of bluetongue (bt) in india are reviewed. bt has become endemic in india. the first outbreak of bt in sheep and goats in the country was recorded in 1964 in maharashtra state. since then, several outbreaks of bt have been reported in sheep. exotic sheep are more susceptible than indigenous and cross-bred sheep. a serological survey has indicated the presence of bluetongue virus (btv) antibodies in cattle and buffalo in several states in india. however, clinical bt h ...19921335304
tick-borne rickettsioses in pune district, maharashtra, extensive study on tick-borne rickettsioses in the pune district of maharashtra revealed that indian tick typhus exists as a zoonosis, which only occasionally causes disease in man. by sero-conversion in guinea pigs, presumptive isolates of rickettsia conori and coxiella burnetii were recovered from 4 of the 11 species of ticks examined. boophilus microplus and rhipicephalus haemaphysalis were found to be harbouring r. conori whereas c. burnetii was isolated from haemaphysalis intermedia and ...19846500861
characteristics of vibrio cholera 0139 strains isolated in sevagram (maharashtra) during april-august 1993.a total of 44 strains of vibrio 0139 serotype isolated between april and august 1993 at sevagram (wardha) were examined for expression of a number of biochemical and physiological characteristics. all strains fermented lactose within 24 h and belonged to heiberg group iii. salt tolerance to 8 per cent nacl was seen in 22.72 per cent strains. haemolysis of sheep rbcs and haemagglutination of human 'o', chicken and rabbit rbcs was consistently positive. all the strains were sensitive to tetracycli ...19948063342
the extent and impact of sheep pox and goat pox in the state of maharashtra, india.a survey of sheep and goat producers in the state of maharashtra, india, was undertaken to ascertain the extent and economic impact of sheep pox and goat pox (sgp). one thousand one hundred and sixteen owners were interviewed. eighty owners (7.2%) reported that they had experienced an outbreak of the disease in the previous 6 years. the results showed that, while producers ranked sgp below other infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest and enterotoxaemia, when sgp occurred ...200011020944
isolation of ganjam virus from ticks collected off domestic animals around pune, maharashtra, india.studies on viruses of zoonotic importance in certain villages around pune were undertaken between december 2000 and january 2002. a total of 1,138 adult ticks belonging to six different species were collected off domestic animals and processed for virus isolation. six virus isolates were obtained. all six isolates were identified as ganjam virus by quick complement fixation test and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction using rna nucleocapsid gene amplification. five isolates were from ...200515799531
prevalence of microorganisms of hygienic interest in an organized abattoir in mumbai, india.the magnitude of food-borne illnesses in india is unknown because of lack of surveillance networks. monitoring the prevalence of food-borne pathogens and indicators of contamination in primary production at abattoirs is imperative for creating a data bank and for effective control of such pathogens before they enter the food chain.201020818094
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