
epidemiology of oestrus ovis infection of sheep in the highveld of zimbabwe.during a period of 13 months, 507 heads of sheep, obtained from an abattoir near harare, were examined for infection with oestrus ovis larvae. the prevalence of infection varied from 6 to 52%, the highest being in november and the lowest in april. the mean annual larval burden was 1.12. the maximum number of larvae recovered from a single head was 57 in the month of november. two larval peaks were observed, the first and highest in november and the second in august/september. some flies are pres ...19892763447
mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection in zimbabwean goats and sheep.the prevalence of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (mo) in three communal lands flocks of goats on the outskirts of harare is described. in a single sampling of nasal swabs from 172 randomly selected, apparently healthy goats, 112 animals were identified as carriers of mo. the three flocks had a history of occasional deaths, following chronic and subacute pneumonia associated with isolation of mo as the only identifiable pathogen. attempts to induce clinical pneumonia in groups of 6 to 8-week-old kids a ...19921430348
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