
fourteen-year seroepidemiological study of zoonoses in a greek village.a seroepidemiological study carried out in a high-risk village in crete in 1985-1987 and 1998 showed that although the awareness of the people concerning zoonoses had increased during this period, the situation did not improve: there was a significant increase of the spread of seroprevalence in time and space of coxiella burnetii, rickettsia typhi, brucella sp., and entamoeba histolytica. toxoplasma gondii, rickettsia conorii, borrelia burgdorferi, echinococcus granulosus, leishmania sp., and fa ...200212135274
wohlfahrtiosis in sheep and the role of dicyclanil in its prevention.wohlfahrtia magnifica is the main agent of traumatic myiasis in the southern palaearctic zone. it was recorded in outbreak situations in crete, greece, for the first time in 1999, causing widespread production losses and considerable concern in the livestock sectors. most commonly applied curative insecticides, organophosphates and pyrethroids, can kill larvae of w. magnifica, but they do not provide long-term protection from infestation or re-infestation, which would facilitate wound healing. t ...200515939538
in vitro susceptibilities of brucella melitensis isolates to eleven antibiotics.brucellosis is an endemic disease present in many countries worldwide, but it is rare in europe and north america. nevertheless brucella is included in the bacteria potentially used for bioterrorism. the aim of this study was the investigation of the antibiotic susceptibility profile of brucella isolates from areas of the eastern mediterranean where it has been endemic.200617014707
mediterranean spotted fever in crete, greece: clinical and therapeutic data of 15 consecutive patients.the clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic aspects of 15 patients with mediterranean spotted fever (msf), admitted to the internal medicine department of the general hospital of sitia (southeastern crete, greece) between december 2000 and july 2003, were studied. diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical signs and symptoms and was confirmed by serology. of the patients studied, 67% were men and 33% women, with a median age of 52 years (range of 23-76 years). ten cases (67%) were diagnosed ...200617114720
effects of ammonia from livestock farming on lichen photosynthesis.this study investigated if atmospheric ammonia (nh3) pollution around a sheep farm influences the photosynthetic performance of the lichens evernia prunastri and pseudevernia furfuracea. thalli of both species were transplanted for up to 30 days in a semi-arid region (crete, greece), at sites with concentrations of atmospheric ammonia of ca. 60 microg/m3 (at a sheep farm), ca. 15 microg/m3 (60 m from the sheep farm) and ca. 2 microg/m3 (a remote area 5 km away). lichen photosynthesis was analyse ...201020227805
effect of three map compositions on the physical and microbiological properties of a low fat greek cheese known as "anthotyros"anthotyros is a type of low fat cheese produced from a mixture of sheep and goat milk. anthotyros cheese in crete is produced from the whey of hard cheese such as kefalotyri and graviera. anthotyros is a cheese which comes from the myzithra cheese (whey) dehydration. the dehydrated anthotyros' physicochemical properties are moisture content of 35%, fat content in dry matter of 55% and low concentration of salt. the purpose of this study was to identify which of the three gas compositions applied ...201121549214
supporting the extensive dairy sheep smallholders of the semi-arid region of crete through technical intervention.the objective of this field study was to depict the extensive system of dairy sheep farming in the semi-arid environment of the island of crete and to assess the potential margins of improvement through technical intervention. forty-three family-run farms keeping a total of 13,870 sheep were surveyed in seven representative areas of the island. several parameters were dealt with, concerning socio-economy, flock management and productivity. study areas differed widely regarding feeds supplied per ...200717944302
assessment of cypermethrin and doramectin for controlling wohlfahrtiosis in crete.the fleshfly, wohlfahrtia magnifica, became an animal health problem in crete, greece, during 1999, causing outbreaks of wohlfahrtiosis throughout the main livestock producing regions of the island. the aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of commercially available drugs in order to design control strategies against wohlfahrtiosis. the test substances were cypermethrin and doramectin sc. the test animals were randomly divided between three groups (30 in each): one treated with cyperme ...200314580803
a focus of fasciola hepatica in crete without human greece, fasciola hepatica, the sheep liver fluke, is common in sheep but only three human cases of fascioliasis have been reported. an epidemiological study was conducted in central crete which proved to be a focus of f. hepatica. sheep and snails were found positive for this parasite, but none of the 205 persons tested serologically.19979062787
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