
[1st isolation of histoplasma capsulatum from the soil in minas gerais]. 19705457769
[seroepidemiological survey for infections by fungi causing systemic mycoses in the xacriabá indian reserve, minas gerais state, brazil].xacriabá indian reserve is situated in the north of minas gerais state, brazil, near the municipality of manga and são francisco river. the indian population is miscegenated with caucasian and negroid people and have farming activities. blood samples were collected from 180 inhabitants of the reserve (85 men and 95 women), 15 to 84 years old. serum antibodies against antigens of paracoccidioides brasiliensis, histoplasma capsulatum, cryptococcus neoformans, and candida albicans were tested for b ...200212170330
epidemiologic skin test survey of sensitivity to paracoccidioidin, histoplasmin and sporotrichin among gold mine workers of morro velho mining, tests with paracoccidioidin, histoplasmin and sporotrichin were applied to 417 workers of morro velho mining in the state of minas gerais, brazil, with the main purpose of detecting the prevalence of paracoccidioidomycosis-infection, histoplasmosis capsulate-infection and sporotrichosis-infection. the rates of positivity to the skin tests were 13.43% for paracoccidioidin, 17.50% for histoplasmin and 13.67% for sporotrichin. several epidemiological factors were investigated for a better inte ...19969063004
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