
aeromonas hydrophila: variability in biochemical characteristics of environmental isolates.a total of 161 strains, including 144 aeromonads, of which 100 had been isolated from water and sediment samples from the chesapeake bay, five clinical and 33 anacostia river isolates of aeromonas hydrophila, six aeromonas sobria, and ten reference cultures were examined in a numerical taxonomy study in which each of the strains were examined for 56 unit characters. similarity between strains was computed using the simple matching (ssm) and jaccard (sj) coefficients. the strains were clustered b ...19911920081
characterization of microbial communities from coastal waters using microarrays.molecular methods, including dna probes, were used to identify and enumerate pathogenic vibrio species in the chesapeake bay; our data indicated that vibrio vulnificus exhibits seasonal fluctuations in number. our work included a characterization of total microbial communities from the bay; development of microarrays that identify and quantify the diversity of those communities; and observation of temporal changes in those communities. to identify members of the microbial community, we amplified ...200312620025
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