
aeromonas wound infections associated with outdoor activities--california. 19902110619
isolation and identification of autoagglutinating serogroup o:11 aeromonas strains in the clinical laboratory.we evaluated the extent to which serogroup o:11 aeromonas strains could be recovered from both clinical and environmental specimens and the cultural parameters that affected the phenotypic marker (autoagglutination) associated with this group. of over 200 aeromonas strains screened, serogroup o:11 was identified only among the phenospecies a. hydrophila and a. sobria and was associated with clinical isolates more frequently than with environmental strains. blood and wound isolates accounted for ...19902199496
bondage, dominance, irrigation, and aeromonas hydrophila: california dreamin'. 19892911156
an unusual epizootic of anuran aeromoniasis. 19854077645
isolation, enumeration, and host range of marine bdellovibrios. 19744211210
bacteria isolated from lymph nodes of california slaughter swine.lymph nodes from 280 slaughter swine from 9 california ranches were examined for the presence of aerobic microflora. genera of interest which were isolated (and percentage of animals from which they were isolated) included salmonella (4.3%), beta-hemolytic streptococci (8.2%), mycobacterium avium-complex (6.4%), corynebacterium pyogenes (0.4%), and aeromonas hydrophila (5.7%). patterns of bacterial isolations from swine herds may be of assistance in predicting herd health problems.19846383150
selenite bioremediation potential of indigenous microorganisms from industrial activated sludge.ten bacterial strains were isolated from the activated sludge waste treatment system (biox) at the exxon refinery in benicia, california. half of these isolates could be grown in minimal medium. when tested for selenite detoxification capability, these five isolates (members of the genera bacillus, pseudomonas, enterobacter and aeromonas), were capable of detoxifying selenite with kinetics similar to those of a well characterized bacillus subtilis strain (168 trp+) studied previously. the seleni ...19979608517
bacterial isolates from california sea lions (zalophus californianus), harbor seals (phoca vitulina), and northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) admitted to a rehabilitation center along the central california coast, 2 yr of bacteriologic culturing of 297 california sea lions (zalophus californianus), 154 harbor seals (phoca vitulina), and 89 northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) stranded alive along the california coast, the most frequent isolates from inflammatory lesions in live animals were escherichia coli, streptococcus viridans, listeria ivanovii, beta-hemolytic streptococcus spp., and enterococcus spp. this is the first report of l. ivanovii isolation from a marine mammal. the common i ...19989732032
bacteriology of the freshwater environment: implications for clinical therapy.water and animal tissue samples were obtained from sources in tennessee, california, and florida. purified bacterial colonies were isolated and organisms identified. fifty-eight isolates were recovered. twenty-seven gram-negative isolates were identified. gram-positive organisms were of the coryneform group or bacillus species. antibiotic susceptibility testing showed that aeromonas species were relatively resistant to a wide variety of antimicrobials, which included trimethoprim, cefazolin, and ...19873631666
epidemiology of aeromonas infections in may 1988, california became the first state to make aeromonas infection a reportable condition, thereby permitting the first population-based study of the epidemiology of infection caused by aeromonas organisms. case investigations were carried out on 219 of the 280 patients whose infections were reported during the first year of notification. the overall incidence rate for aeromonas isolation was 10.6 cases per 1 million population. the gastrointestinal tract was the most commonly reported s ...19921520792
regrowth of potential opportunistic pathogens and algae in reclaimed-water distribution systems.a study of the quality of reclaimed water in treated effluent, after storage, and at three points in the distribution system of four plants in california, florida, massachusetts, and new york was conducted for 1 year. the plants had different treatment processes (conventional versus membrane bioreactor), production capacities, and methods for storage of the water, and the intended end uses of the water were different. the analysis focused on the occurrence of indicator bacteria (heterotrophic ba ...201020453149
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