
musculoskeletal and soft tissue aeromonas infection: an environmental disease.during a 4-year period from november 1985 to november 1989, aeromonas was isolated from wounds and soft tissues with clinical evidence of infection in 28 patients at our institution. of the 28 patients, 23 (82%) had sustained an acute open or penetrating injury, more than half of which (13 of the 23) were water-related trauma. one patient had aeromonas osteomyelitis. five patients had no history of trauma, and three of these five had an underlying chronic disease. treatment included débridement ...19921405767
enterobacteriaceae and aeromonas hydrophila in minnesota frogs and tadpoles (rana pipiens).in 222 rana pipiens frogs and 34 tadpoles captured in and near minnesota, aeromonas hydrophila and 29 species of enterobacteriaceae, including yersinia enterocolitica and salmonella arizonae, were isolated from intestines. the prevalence of members of the family enterobacteriaceae was lowest in frogs captured in early spring and highest in frogs captured in late summer.19836607034
aeromonas hydrophila in wild-caught frogs and tadpoles (rana pipiens) in minnesota.frogs and tadpoles were captured at 14 sites in and near minnesota during 1978-79 and nearly all appeared healthy. aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from 94 of 294 (32%) juvenile and adult frogs and from 66 of 104 (63%) tadpoles. of the isolates from frogs and tadpoles respectively, 68% and 47% were from the intestine only, 12% and 32% were from the intestine and the other sites, and 20% and 21% were from extraintestinal sites only. isolations were more frequent from frogs collected in march-jun ...19816972468
variations in the expressed antimicrobial peptide repertoire of northern leopard frog (rana pipiens) populations suggest intraspecies differences in resistance to pathogens.the northern leopard frog (rana pipiens or lithobates pipiens) is historically found in most of the provinces of canada and the northern and southwest states of the united states. in the last 50 years, populations have suffered significant losses, especially in the western regions of the species range. using a peptidomics approach, we show that the pattern of expressed antimicrobial skin peptides of frogs from three geographically separated populations are distinct, and we report the presence of ...200919622371
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