disease patterns in the detroit zoo: a study of the avian population from 1973 through 1983. | a retrospective study was conducted to evaluate disease patterns in birds at the detroit zoo from 1973 through 1983. data were derived from the zoo's medical and animal census records; the mean (+/- sd) population of birds during the study period was 469 +/- 42. overall annual morbidity rates were 12.5% to 21.5%, with spring months having the highest morbidity rates. annual mortality rates were 3.1% to 15.2%; 23.9% of the deaths were caused by microbial agents (particularly erysipelothrix rhusio ... | 1985 | 3878351 |
disease patterns in the detroit zoo: a study of reptilian and amphibian populations from 1973 through 1983. | a retrospective study was conducted to determine disease patterns in reptilian and amphibian populations at the detroit zoo from 1973 through 1983. in the reptilian population (mean +/- sd = 285.2 +/- 28), overall annual mortality rates were 1% to 40%. mortality rates were highest in the fall months (20%) and lowest in the winter months (6%). the most frequently affected reptiles were iguana (iguana iguana), reticulated python (python reticulatus), rattlesnakes (crotalus spp), common boa (constr ... | 1985 | 3878352 |
etiology and epidemiology of diarrheal diseases in the united states. | accurate data on the frequency of acute diarrheal illness and the distribution of pathogens are not available for several reasons, including the facts that only a small fraction of cases come to the attention of physicians and that available diagnostic tests establish an etiology in only about half of these. in a survey of three groups of patients in a community (upper-middle class and lower class outpatients and hospitalized infants), a possible cause was found in fewer than 20 percent of outpa ... | 1985 | 3893118 |
Bacterial infections of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to gamete collecting weirs in Michigan. | Herein, we describe the prevalence of bacterial infections in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to spawn in two tributaries within the Lake Michigan watershed. Ten bacterial genera, including Renibacterium, Aeromonas, Carnobacterium, Serratia, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Hafnia, Salmonella, Shewanella and Morganella, were detected in the kidneys of Chinook salmon (n = 480) using culture, serological and molecular analyses. Among these, Aeromonas salmonicida was detected at ... | 2012 | 22168454 |
variations in the expressed antimicrobial peptide repertoire of northern leopard frog (rana pipiens) populations suggest intraspecies differences in resistance to pathogens. | the northern leopard frog (rana pipiens or lithobates pipiens) is historically found in most of the provinces of canada and the northern and southwest states of the united states. in the last 50 years, populations have suffered significant losses, especially in the western regions of the species range. using a peptidomics approach, we show that the pattern of expressed antimicrobial skin peptides of frogs from three geographically separated populations are distinct, and we report the presence of ... | 2009 | 19622371 |
identification of human enteric pathogens in gull feces at southwestern lake michigan bathing beaches. | ring-billed (larus delawarensis ord, 1815) and herring (larus argentatus pontoppidan, 1763) gulls are predominant species of shorebirds in coastal areas. gulls contribute to the fecal indicator burden in beach sands, which, once transported to bathing waters, may result in water quality failures. the importance of these contamination sources must not be overlooked when considering the impact of poor bathing water quality on human health. this study examined the occurrence of human enteric pathog ... | 2008 | 19096455 |