
identification and epidemiological relationships of aeromonas isolates from patients with diarrhea, drinking water and foods.a collection of aeromonas isolates obtained over a three-year period in the same geographic area (león, nw of spain) was characterized by (gtg)(5)-pcr fingerprinting, amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis and gyrb gene sequence analysis. the isolates originated from human diarrheal stools (29 isolates), potable water (13 isolates), rabbit meat (13 isolates) and marine fish (5 isolates). the distribution of aeromonas species varied with the strain source. aeromonas caviae hg4 and ...201121550680
identity, virulence genes, and clonal relatedness of aeromonas isolates from patients with diarrhea and drinking water.among 800 stool specimens from patients with diarrhea submitted by primary care centers for routine analysis to the hospital of león (nw spain) microbiology and parasitology service, 32 (4%) were tested positive for aeromonas spp. mixed infections with other enteric pathogens occurred in 12 patients. a. caviae was isolated from 23 clinical specimens. there were also patients infected with a. media, a. hydrophila, a. bestiarum, and a. veronii biovar veronii. all but three isolates carried one or ...201020549532
occurrence of motile aeromonas in municipal drinking water and distribution of genes encoding virulence factors.aeromonas-associated cases of gastroenteritis are generally considered waterborne. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential microbiological risk associated with the presence of these bacteria in public drinking water. over a period of one year, 132 drinking-water samples were monitored in león (nw of spain, 137,000 inhabitants) for mandatory drinking-water standards and the occurrence of aeromonas spp. samples were taken at the municipal water treatment plant, one storage facility ...200919720415
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