
gastro-enteritis in australian children: studies on the aetiology of acute diarrhoea.a prospective, year-long study of the microbiology of childhood gastro-enteritis in perth showed that (i) aeromonas-associated diarrhoea was the commonest recognized bacterial cause for acute diarrhoea, especially in summer, (ii) campylobacter infections were the next most common bacterial cause, (iii) rotavirus and parasites were not significant causes of sporadic acute childhood diarrhoea, and (iv) enteric bacterial pathogens and intestinal parasites were often isolated from aboriginal childre ...19882456732
aeromonas-associated gastroenteritis.enterotoxigenic aeromonas spp. were isolated from 118 (10.2%) children with diarrhoea and 7 (0.6%) of those without diarrhoea in a prospective, year-long study of 1156 children with gastroenteritis and the same number of age and sex matched controls. in perth, western australia, aeromonas-associated diarrhoea is distinctly seasonal with a sharp summer peak. the disease most commonly presents in children under two years of age as watery diarrhoea of short duration and mild fever which require no ...19826128598
isolation of aeromonas hydrophila from a metropolitan water supply: seasonal correlation with clinical isolates.the occurrence of aeromonas spp. in the metropolitan water supply of perth, western australia, australia, was monitored at several sampling points during a period of 1 year. water within the distribution system conformed to international standards for drinking water but contained aeromonas spp. in numbers comparable to those in raw surface water, although this water was free of escherichia coli. coliforms and e. coli were found in raw surface waters, and aeromonas spp. were found in raw water fr ...19846385848
isolation of aeromonas spp. from an unchlorinated domestic water supply.the recovery of aeromonas spp. from the unchlorinated water supply for a western australian city of 21,000 people was monitored at several sampling points during a period of 1 year. membrane filtration techniques were used to count colonies of aeromonas spp., coliforms, and escherichia coli in water sampled before entry to service reservoirs, during storage in service reservoirs, and in distribution systems. aeromonas spp. were identified by subculture on blood agar with ampicillin, oxidase test ...19846486783
hemagglutination patterns of aeromonas spp. in relation to biotype and source.aeromonas spp. show patterns of hemagglutination with human group o cells in the presence of fucose, galactose, and mannose. these patterns are related to biotype as well as to the source of isolates. there was good correlation between hemagglutination pattern and the presence of diarrhea among strains isolated in western australia, which was the only source with adequate data for classification of children with an without diarrhea. most of the environmental and other nonfecal isolates produced ...19846690466
the microbiology of childhood gastroenteritis: aeromonas species and other infective agents.a prospective, 12-month study of 975 non-aboriginal children with diarrhea and age- and sex-matched children without diarrhea, in perth, western australia, was designed to investigate the significance of enterotoxigenic aeromonas species as a cause of diarrhea. enterotoxigenic aeromonas species were found in the fecal specimens of 10.8% of the patients with diarrhea but in only 0.7% of those without diarrhea. most aeromonas species were isolated during the summer. other important bacterial patho ...19836886488
outbreak of aeromonas hydrophila wound infections associated with mud football.on 16 february 2002, a total of 26 people presented to the emergency department of the local hospital in the rural town of collie in southwest western australia with many infected scratches and pustules distributed over their bodies. all of the patients had participated in a "mud football" competition the previous day, in which there had been ~100 participants. one patient required removal of an infected thumbnail, and another required surgical debridement of an infected toe. aeromonas hydrophil ...200415095211
phenotypic characteristics of human clinical and environmental aeromonas in western australia.: to determine the phenotypic characteristics of 199 aeromonas strains comprising 146 clinical and 53 environmental isolates.201121519288
antimicrobial susceptibility of aeromonas spp. isolated from clinical and environmental sources to 26 antimicrobial agents.we determined the susceptibility of 144 clinical and 49 environmental aeromonas strains representing 10 different species to 26 antimicrobial agents by the agar dilution method. no single species had a predominantly non-susceptible phenotype. a multi-non-susceptible pattern was observed in three (2.1%) clinical strains and two (4.0%) strains recovered from diseased fish. common clinical strains were more resistant than the corresponding environmental isolates suggesting that resistance mechanism ...201122123695
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