
a study of the aeromycoflora of cádiz: relationship to anthropogenic activity.we describe a quantitative and qualitative study of the fungal spores found in the air of cádiz during 1989 using a cour-type trap. the results of this study can be extrapolated to other coastal cities of southern europe with a mediterranean climate. the spores identified have been classified into 25 taxonomic categories. the most abundant were cladosporium, chaetomium and ustilago, and the most frequent, in addition to those mentioned, were alternaria, ascophyta and venturia. the great abundanc ...19921342902
the effect of meteorological factors on the daily variation of airborne fungal spores in granada (southern spain).a study was made of the link between climatic factors and the daily content of certain fungal spores in the atmosphere of the city of granada in 1994. sampling was carried out with a burkard 7-day-recording spore trap. the spores analysed corresponded to the taxa alternaria, ustilago and cladosporium, with two morphologically different spore types in the latter genus, cladosporioides and herbarum. these spores were selected both for their allergenic capacity and for the high level of their prese ...200010879421
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