
annual variation of fungal spores in atmosphere of porto: 2003.the seasonal distribution of fungal spore concentration in the city of porto, portugal, was continuously studied, from 1 january to 31 december 2003, using a 7-day volumetric burkard trap. in portugal, aerobiological studies are scarce, and to our knowledge there are no published data on the atmospheric concentration of fungal spores. the aim of this work therefore is to initiate the aeromycological studies in porto. the total airborne spore concentration fluctuated between 2 and 2,198 spores/m( ...200516457491
the effects of meteorological factors on airborne fungal spore concentration in two areas differing in urbanisation level.although fungal spores are an ever-present component of the atmosphere throughout the year, their concentration oscillates widely. this work aims to establish correlations between fungal spore concentrations in porto and amares and meteorological data. the seasonal distribution of fungal spores was studied continuously (2005-2007) using volumetric spore traps. to determine the effect of meteorological factors (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) on spore concentration, the spearman rank ...200919048306
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