
mass screening of cattle sera against 14 infectious disease agents, using an elisa system for monitoring health in livestock.mass screening elisa methods were developed for testing cattle serum for antibodies against 14 common livestock diseases simultaneously. the absorbance values were transformed to a %elisa (spectrophotometric antibody end point) by a computer interfaced with a microplate reader. a histogram indicating a cutoff point and a report for the veterinarian also was generated. the computer program produced a print-out of the antibody profile for each animal tested, the antibody concentration against each ...19911767993
campylobacter outbreak associated with raw milk provided on a dairy tour--california. 19863084944
campylobacter enteritis--a college campus average incidence and a prospective study of the risk factors for a prospective study over two years at a university student health center, the average incidence for campylobacter enteritis was 4.5 cases per 1,000 students for a nine-month academic year. male students were more likely to submit a stool specimen for examination and were more likely to have campylobacter enteritis. campylobacter enteritis was ten times more common than salmonella and shigella enteritis combined. the only identifiable increased risk for campylobacter enteritis developing among ...19863765614
human infection with vibrio fetus.vibrio fetus, a slowly growing, microaerophilic, gram-negative rod which causes infectious abortion in cattle, occasionally induces disease in man. since persons receiving immunosuppressive agents are among those most susceptible to this infection, recognition of the disease may become increasingly important as transplantation operations increase. vibrio infections may produce a spectrum of acute and chronic illnesses or may be asymptomatic. vibriosis may develop at any age but it seems most dev ...19744816399
leads from the mmwr. campylobacter outbreak associated with certified raw milk products--california. 19846481923
campylobacter sepsis associated with "nutritional therapy"--california. 19816789105
raw-milk-associated illness--oregon, california. 19816789131
prevalence of campylobacter jejuni in two california chicken processing plants.two federally inspected california chicken processing plants participated in campylobacter jejuni prevalence studies. twelve sampling sites were included in each of four groups. groups were based on bird age, scald water temperature, and plant sampled. scald water temperatures of 60 degrees c (140 degrees f) did not contribute to a lower prevalence of c. jejuni in edible parts, as did temperatures of 53 degrees c (127 degrees f) and 49 degrees c (120 degrees f). the feather picker and chilling t ...19836830212
a sero-epidemiological study of haemophilus somnus infection in dairy cattle.five repeated cross-sectional serological surveys of 790 dairy cattle in 4 dairy herds between december 1985 and february 1987 provided an opportunity to study the changes in the seroprevalence of haemophilus somnus across the 5 surveys and with respect to some demographic and disease variables. the demographic variables included were age (heifers or cows) and farm, representing two groups of herds (two herds in each group, located in the central and northern valleys of california). the serologi ...19979151407
incidence of foodborne illnesses reported by the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet)-1997. foodnet working 1997, the foodborne diseases active surveillance program (foodnet) conducted active surveillance for culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter, escherichia coli o157, listeria, salmonella, shigella, vibrio, yersinia, cyclospora, and cryptosporidium in five emerging infections program sites. foodnet is a collaborative effort of the centers for disease control and prevention's national center for infectious diseases, the united states department of agriculture's food safety and inspection servic ...200010852576
an examination of risk factors associated with beef cattle shedding pathogens of potential zoonotic concern.the prevalence of three waterborne zoonotic pathogens (campylobacter sp., giardia sp. and cryptosporidium parvum) in rectal faecal samples from a random sample of adult beef cattle was determined. management factors that may be associated with shedding of these organisms were examined. for campylobacter sp. prevalence was 5.0%, and the number of females on the farm was positively associated with the proportion that tested positive. for giardia sp. prevalence was 6.5%, and none of the management ...200111561967
campylobacter upsaliensis: another pathogen for consideration in the united states.while evaluating quinolone resistance in a sample of campylobacter isolates recovered from patients with campylobacteriosis in los angeles county, california, in 1998, we discovered that the second most frequently isolated species was campylobacter upsaliensis (6 [4%] of 155 isolates). the ability of laboratories to recover this species may be dependent on the culture conditions and the media used. three dogs living in the households of 2 of these 6 patients had c. upsaliensis isolated in their ...200212015708
disease reporting from an automated laboratory-based reporting system to a state health department via local county health departments.the authors assessed the completeness of disease reporting from a managed care organization's automated laboratory-based reporting system to the california department of health services (cdhs) via local public health departments.200112034915
molecular subtype analyses of campylobacter spp. from arkansas and california poultry operations.campylobacter isolates from diverse samples within broiler production and processing environments were typed by using flaa short variable region dna sequence analysis. sixteen flocks from four different farms representing two broiler producers in arkansas and california were analyzed. fourteen of the flocks (87.5%) were campylobacter-positive; two remained negative throughout the 6-week rearing period. in general, multiple clones were present within a flock. additionally, clones found within a f ...200212450847
epidemiology of sporadic campylobacter infection in the united states and declining trend in incidence, foodnet 1996-1999.campylobacter species are a leading cause of foodborne illness in the united states, but few population-based data describing patterns and trends of disease are available. we summarize data on culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter infection reported during 1996-1999 to the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet) system. the average annual culture-confirmed incidence was 21.9 cases/100,000 population, with substantial site variation (from 43.8 cases/100,000 population in calif ...200415095186
persistent diarrhea, arthritis, and other complications of enteric infections: a pilot survey based on california foodnet surveillance, 1998-1999.numerous complications of enteric infections have been described, including persistent diarrhea, reactive arthritis, and guillain-barre syndrome. we determined the frequency of self-reported complications of enteric infections in a pilot study in the california site of the foodborne diseases active surveillance network. from 1 april 1998 through 31 march 1999, active surveillance identified 1454 infections in alameda and san francisco counties, of which 52% were campylobacter infections, 22% wer ...200415095204
description of campylobacter curvus and c. curvus-like strains associated with sporadic episodes of bloody gastroenteritis and brainerd's diarrhea.campylobacter curvus is a rarely encountered campylobacter species in human, animal, and environmental samples. during the course of two investigations, one involving a search for possible bacterial agents causing bloody gastroenteritis and a second concerning a small outbreak of brainerd's diarrhea in northern california, 20 strains of c. curvus or c. curvus-like organisms were isolated by a microfiltration technique and prolonged incubation. the results suggest that c. curvus may be an underap ...200515695649
salmonella and campylobacter spp. in northern elephant seals, california.campylobacter and salmonella spp. prevalence and antimicrobial drug sensitivity were determined in northern elephant seals that had not entered the water and seals that were stranded on the california coast. stranded seals had a higher prevalence of pathogenic bacteria, possibly from terrestrial sources, which were more likely to be resistant.200516485493
prevalence of campylobacter and salmonella species on farm, after transport, and at processing in specialty market poultry.the prevalence of campylobacter and salmonella spp. was determined from live bird to prepackaged carcass for 3 flocks from each of 6 types of california niche-market poultry. commodities sampled included squab, quail, guinea fowl, duck, poussin (young chicken), and free-range broiler chickens. campylobacter on-farm prevalence was lowest for squab, followed by guinea fowl, duck, quail, and free-range chickens. poussin had the highest prevalence of campylobacter. no salmonella was isolated from gu ...200616493957
a restaurant-associated outbreak of brainerd diarrhea in a rare outbreak of brainerd diarrhea in california, we identified 23 patients, many of whom had diarrhea persisting for > or =6 months. case-control studies revealed that illness was associated with 1 local restaurant but not with any specific food or beverage. a campylobacter species was detected in some patients' stool specimens, but its role in the outbreak remains unclear.200616758419
salmonella spp., vibrio spp., clostridium perfringens, and plesiomonas shigelloides in marine and freshwater invertebrates from coastal california ecosystems.the coastal ecosystems of california are highly utilized by humans and animals, but the ecology of fecal bacteria at the land-sea interface is not well understood. this study evaluated the distribution of potentially pathogenic bacteria in invertebrates from linked marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems in central california. a variety of filter-feeding clams, mussels, worms, and crab tissues were selectively cultured for salmonella spp., campylobacter spp., escherichia coli-o157, clostrid ...200616897302
campylobacter insulaenigrae isolates from northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) in california.there are only two reports in the literature demonstrating the presence of campylobacter spp. in marine mammals. one report describes the isolation of a new species, campylobacter insulaenigrae sp. nov., from three harbor seals (phoca vitulina) and a harbor porpoise (phocoena phocoena) in scotland, and the other describes the isolation of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter lari, and an unknown campylobacter species from northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) in california. in this st ...200717259365
dissemination of antimicrobial resistant strains of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni among cattle in washington state and california.the purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic similarity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with similar antimicrobial resistance phenotypes, isolated from cattle on different farms and at different times, in order to evaluate the possible existence of disseminated antimicrobial resistant clones. pfge after smai and kpni restriction identified 23 and 16 distinct pfge patterns among 29 c. jejuni and 66 c. coli isolates, respectively. in c. coli, 51 (77%) of the resistant is ...200717321701
emergence of a tetracycline-resistant campylobacter jejuni clone associated with outbreaks of ovine abortion in the united states.campylobacter infection is one of the major causes of ovine abortions worldwide. historically, campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus was the major cause of campylobacter-associated abortion in sheep; however, campylobacter jejuni is increasingly associated with sheep abortions. we examined the species distribution, genotypes, and antimicrobial susceptibilities of abortion-associated campylobacter isolates obtained from multiple lambing seasons on different farms in iowa, idaho, south dakota, and cali ...200818322054
continued decline in the incidence of campylobacter infections, foodnet 1996-2006.campylobacter is a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide. in the united states, changes in the incidence of culture-confirmed campylobacter infections have been monitored by the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet) since 1996. in 2006, the incidence of culture-confirmed campylobacter infection in the foodnet sites was 12.7 per 100,000 persons. this represents a 30% decline (95% confidence = 35% to 24% decrease) compared to the 1996-1998 illness baseline; however, most ...200818767978
risk factors for infection with pathogenic and antimicrobial-resistant fecal bacteria in northern elephant seals in california.the goal of this study was to identify potential environmental and demographic factors associated with campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni), salmonella enterica (salmonella spp.), and antimicrobial-resistant escherichia coli (e. coli) infection in northern elephant seals stranded along the california coastline.200819006978
enteric bacterial pathogen detection in southern sea otters (enhydra lutris nereis) is associated with coastal urbanization and freshwater runoff.although protected for nearly a century, california's sea otters have been slow to recover, in part due to exposure to fecally-associated protozoal pathogens like toxoplasma gondii and sarcocystis neurona. however, potential impacts from exposure to fecal bacteria have not been systematically explored. using selective media, we examined feces from live and dead sea otters from california for specific enteric bacterial pathogens (campylobacter, salmonella, clostridium perfringens, c. difficile an ...201019720009
presence of bacteroidales as a predictor of pathogens in surface waters of the central california coast.the value of bacteroidales genetic markers and fecal indicator bacteria (fib) to predict the occurrence of waterborne pathogens was evaluated in ambient waters along the central california coast. bacteroidales host-specific quantitative pcr (qpcr) was used to quantify fecal bacteria in water and provide insights into contributing host fecal sources. over 140 surface water samples from 10 major rivers and estuaries within the monterey bay region were tested over 14 months with four bacteroidales- ...201020639358
use of a self-assessment questionnaire for food safety education in the home kitchen --- los angeles county, california, 2006-2008.foodborne diseases remain an important cause of morbidity in the united states among all age groups. a potentially important contributor to this morbidity is improper food handling and preparation practices in kitchens at restaurants and in private homes. in 1998, the los angeles county department of public health (lacdph) established numeric scores for restaurant inspections and posted grades for these inspections publicly; by the end of 1998 this initiative was credited with helping to reduce ...201020814405
zoonotic pathogens isolated from wild animals and environmental samples at two california wildlife determine types and estimate prevalence of potentially zoonotic enteric pathogens shed by wild animals admitted to either of 2 wildlife hospitals and to characterize distribution of these pathogens and of aerobic bacteria in a hospital environment.201121401435
prevalence of selected bacterial and parasitic agents in feces from diarrheic and healthy control cats from northern california.background: bacterial and parasitic agents are commonly implicated as causes of diarrhea in cats, but there is a paucity of information evaluating epidemiological and prevalence factors associated with most of these organisms in cats. objectives: determine the prevalence of selected enteropathogens in diarrheic and nondiarrheic cats. animals: a total of 219 diarrheic and 54 nondiarrheic cats. methods: prospective study. fresh fecal specimens were submitted for centrifugation flotation, culture, ...201122182203
reducing the impact of summer cattle grazing on water quality in the sierra nevada mountains of california: a proposal.the sierra nevada mountain range serves as an important source of drinking water for the state of california. however, summer cattle grazing on federal lands affects the overall water quality yield from this essential watershed as cattle manure is washed into the lakes and streams or directly deposited into these bodies of water. this organic pollution introduces harmful microorganisms and also provides nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus which increase algae growth causing eutrophication ...201020154395
campylobacter outbreak associated with certified raw milk products--california. 19846434927
campylobacter enteritis in college students. 19853998302
prevalence of campylobacter pylori and association with antral mucosal histology in subjects with and without upper gastrointestinal determine the incidence and significance of campylobacter pylori in patients undergoing routine endoscopic evaluation at this hospital, biopsies of the antrum were obtained from 132 patients and from 15 asymptomatic volunteers. specimens were cultured and silver stained for the presence of c. pylori and were examined histologically. c. pylori was detected in 67 (51%) patients and two (13%) volunteers (p = 0.006). in patients, c. pylori was found significantly more often when the mucosa was in ...19883371136
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