
campylobacter infections in the united states. results of an 11-state january 1982, 11 states (alabama, arizona, georgia, illinois, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, texas, vermont, washington, and wisconsin) began reporting monthly their isolations of campylobacter to the centers for disease control in atlanta. the information reported included the species of campylobacter organisms, the week of the report, the site from which the organism was isolated, and the age and sex of the infected person. a total of 3,966 isolates were reported in 1982, of which 3,900 wer ...19846087756
campylobacter enteritis associated with contaminated water.approximately 3000 people in bennington, vermont, 19% of the population, had a diarrheal illness during the first and second weeks of june 1978. persons affected reported abdominal cramps (86%), diarrhea (82%), malaise (73%), and headache (47%). the mean duration of illness was 4.6 days. the illness was associated with drinking unboiled water from the town water system. investigation showed that the entire water system was probably contaminated and the source of contamination was the main unfilt ...19827059090
isolation of campylobacter jejuni from milk during an outbreak of campylobacteriosis. 19846491387
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