
etiology and epidemiology of diarrheal diseases in the united states.accurate data on the frequency of acute diarrheal illness and the distribution of pathogens are not available for several reasons, including the facts that only a small fraction of cases come to the attention of physicians and that available diagnostic tests establish an etiology in only about half of these. in a survey of three groups of patients in a community (upper-middle class and lower class outpatients and hospitalized infants), a possible cause was found in fewer than 20 percent of outpa ...19853893118
a descriptive study of guillain-barré syndrome in high and low campylobacter jejuni incidence regions of michigan: 1992-1999.the incidence rate of guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) was compared between high and low campylobacter jejuni incidence counties in michigan, usa, between 1992 and 1999. data on gbs was obtained from cases reported to the michigan department of community health. poisson confidence intervals were used to compare incidence rates. there was no significant difference in the overall rate between high and low c. jejuni incidence regions in michigan. though no differences in age-specific, gender-specific, ...200312792145
risk factors for sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in rural michigan: a prospective case-control study.this case-control study investigated risk factors for campylobacteriosis in a rural population. exposure to live farm animals was hypothesized to increase the risk for campylobacter jejuni enteritis.200314652344
cryptosporidiosis: a brief literature review and update regarding cryptosporidium in feces of canada geese (branta canadensis).canada geese are increasingly abundant in ohio, with large nesting populations throughout the state, and goose feces contaminate grassy areas and pavements in many public, commercial, and residential sites. in 1999 the authors found a high prevalence of giardia, campylobacter, and especially cryptosporidium in collected feces of canada geese. the purpose of this follow-up study was to survey known canada geese sites in three counties in ohio (lucas, ottawa, and wood) and to determine the prevale ...200415032111
survey of peafowl (pavo cristatus) for potential pathogens at three michigan zoos.blood samples collected from 31 free-roaming peafowl from three zoos in michigan were tested serologically. antibody titers were present against avian adenovirus and bordetella avium in 19.3% and 61.3% of the samples, respectively. serum plate agglutination tests were positive for mycoplasma meleagridis and mycoplasma synoviae in 3.2% and 38.7% of the samples, respectively. all birds were seronegative for avian influenza, newcastle disease virus, west nile virus, mycoplasma gallisepticum, salmon ...200315077714
cladophora (chlorophyta) spp. harbor human bacterial pathogens in nearshore water of lake michigan.cladophora glomerata, a macrophytic green alga, is commonly found in the great lakes, and significant accumulations occur along shorelines during the summer months. recently, cladophora has been shown to harbor high densities of the fecal indicator bacteria escherichia coli and enterococci. cladophora may also harbor human pathogens; however, until now, no studies to address this question have been performed. in the present study, we determined whether attached cladophora, obtained from the lake ...200616820442
seasonal stability of cladophora-associated salmonella in lake michigan watersheds.the bacterial pathogens shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, and shiga toxin-producing e. coli (stec) were recently found to be associated with cladophora growing in southern lake michigan. preliminary results indicated that the salmonella strains associated with cladophora were genetically identical to each other. however, because of the small sample size (n=37 isolates) and a lack of information on spatial-temporal relationships, the nature of the association between cladophora and salmonella ...200919059626
identification of human enteric pathogens in gull feces at southwestern lake michigan bathing beaches.ring-billed (larus delawarensis ord, 1815) and herring (larus argentatus pontoppidan, 1763) gulls are predominant species of shorebirds in coastal areas. gulls contribute to the fecal indicator burden in beach sands, which, once transported to bathing waters, may result in water quality failures. the importance of these contamination sources must not be overlooked when considering the impact of poor bathing water quality on human health. this study examined the occurrence of human enteric pathog ...200819096455
carriage of clostridium difficile and other enteric pathogens among a 4-h avocational cohort.clostridium difficile (cd), salmonella, campylobacter and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) are major causes of morbidity in a variety of enteric diseases in humans and animals, but subclinical carriage in both is probably more common than are clinical cases. little is known regarding the prevalence of these pathogens in animals raised for exhibit at michigan county fairs or the frequency with which michigan citizens raising these animals may have been subclinically colonized. to address ...201120529211
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of campylobacter spp. isolated from conventional and antimicrobial-free swine production systems from different u.s. regions.we conducted a study to compare the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of campylobacter isolated from 34 farm-slaughter pair cohorts of pigs raised in conventional and antimicrobial-free (abf) production systems. isolates originated from four different states of two geographic regions (region 1--ohio and michigan; region 2--wisconsin and iowa). a total of 838 fecal and 1173 carcass samples were examined. campylobacter isolates were speciated using multiplex polymerase chain reaction ...201021133777
a comparison of campylobacter jejuni enteritis incidence rates in high- and low-poultry-density counties: michigan compare the incidence of campylobacter jejuni enteritis in high- and low-poultry-density counties in michigan between the years 1992 and 1999, an ecological study was conducted in the state of michigan. a log-linear model was used to compare yearly, seasonal, age, and gender-specific incidence rates between county groupings. counties with a high poultry density had a higher overall incidence of c. jejuni enteritis, particularly among children and young adults, compared with counties with low ...200212737543
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