
[a food-borne infection caused by campylobacter jejuni serotype lauwers 19].report on a outbreak due to contaminated food involving 556 schoolchildren who got their lunch from a school kitchen. the outbreak occurred abruptly without any secondary infectious. examinations for salmonellae, shigellae, enteritis-coli, yersiniae and rotaviruses were negative. however, campylobacter jejuni were isolated from 105 specimens of faeces in rostock. sixty of these strains and another 2 that had been isolated at the same time but had no relation to the outbreak in rostock, were furt ...19863107256
[campylobacter pylori in the stomach, duodenum and colon of gastroenterological patients. an epidemiologic study of 120 subjects].in a prospective study of 120 gastroenterological patients in berlin, germany, the prevalence of campylobacter pylori was determined. when the gastric mucosa was normal, the prevalence was one in 19 patients (5.3%). in 101 patients with chronic gastritis it was cultured in 55 (54.5%). in 31 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis the organism was cultured in 25 (81%); in 60 patients with severe gastritis it was present in 75%, in 35 with moderate or severe chronic active gastritis in 82.8%. the ...19873622286
antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains isolated in 1991 and 2001-2002 from poultry and humans in berlin, germany.the susceptibilities of 430 campylobacter jejuni strains and 79 c. coli strains to six antimicrobial agents were tested and analyzed. the two sets of strains originated from retail market chicken and turkey samples and from humans, respectively, in berlin, germany. two groups of isolates, one dating from 1991 and the other dating from 2001-2002, were tested. of the campylobacter sp. isolates recovered from humans in 2001-2002, 45.1% were resistant to ciprofloxacin, 37.8% were resistant to tetrac ...200314638490
joint spatial analysis of gastrointestinal infectious diseases.a major obstacle in the spatial analysis of infectious disease surveillance data is the problem of under-reporting. this article investigates the possibility of inferring reporting rates through joint statistical modelling of several infectious diseases with different aetiologies. once variation in under-reporting can be estimated, geographic risk patterns for infections associated with specific food vehicles may be discerned. we adopt the shared component model, proposed by knorr-held and best ...200617089949
aetiology of community-acquired, acute gastroenteritis in hospitalised adults: a prospective cohort study.the aetiology of severe gastroenteritis leading to hospitalisation in adults frequently remains unclear. our objective was to study the causes and characteristics of community-acquired, acute gastroenteritis in adult hospitalized patients to support the clinical management of these patients.200818940017
high level of gastrointestinal nosocomial infections in the german surveillance system, 2002-2008.surveillance of nosocomial infections (nis) is well established in many countries but often does not include gastrointestinal infections. we sought to determine the proportion of nis among all hospitalized cases for the 4 most prevalent types of gastrointestinal infections in germany.201021047180
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