
three-year prospective study of intestinal pathogens in madrid, spain.during the period july 1980 through june 1983, in a general hospital in madrid, the following organisms were detected from 6,970 patients with gastroenteritis: 710 salmonella spp. 506 campylobacter jejuni, 379 shigella spp., 12 yersinia enterocolitica, 1,466 rotavirus, 134 giardia lamblia, and 4 entamoeba histolytica. chloramphenicol showed good activity against most tested strains of salmonella spp., shigella spp., and c. jejuni. the incidence of salmonella spp. and shigella spp. was very marke ...19846092418
serological study for campylobacter in children in madrid. 19836665856
sepsis in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection. the madrid hiv pediatric infection collaborative study group.the aims of this retrospective study were to review the frequency and patterns of bacterial sepsis in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus. the charts of 233 human immunodeficiency virus-infected children cared for during a 10-year period in 4 tertiary hospitals in madrid were reviewed. there were 43 episodes of sepsis in 31 (13%) children. twenty of them had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 10 were class pa2 and 1 was class p1b. the most common organisms recovered were: nontyp ...19957667058
campylobacter sepsis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. the madrid hiv pediatric infection collaborative study group. 19979041612
an outbreak of campylobacter jejuni enteritis in a school of madrid, outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by campylobacter infection was identified in may 2003 in a school in madrid, spain. eighty one cases were identified in a total of 253 people studied. a retrospective cohort study showed that a custard made with ultra high temperature (uht) milk was associated with illness (rr: 3.15; 95% ci: 1.25-7.93). the custard was probably contaminated with campylobacter jejuni from a raw chicken prepared a day previously in the same kitchen. our recommendations were to ...200515879642
screening for several potential pathogens in feral pigeons (columba livia) in madrid.pathogens with the zoonotic potential to infect humans, such as campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli and chlamydophila psittaci, can be found in feral pigeons (columba livia). given the high density of these birds in the public parks and gardens of most cities, they may pose a direct threat to public health.201020569487
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