
enteropathogens associated with acute diarrhoeal diseases.five types of escherichia coli are responsible for as much as 25% of all diarrheal diseases in developing countries. they tend to be transmitted via contaminated foods, particularly weaning foods, and water. they include enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic, enteroadherent, enteroinvasive, and enterohemorrhagic e. coli. shigella species are responsible for 10-15% of acute diarrheas in children less than 5 years old and the most common etiologic agents of childhood dysentery. shigellosis is common i ...19947835992
knowledge, attitude and practices about zoonoses with reference to campylobacteriosis in a rural area of west bengal.campylobacteriosis is a leading cause of zoonotic diarrhoea in the developed as well as developing countries. domestic animals particularly the poultry act as a source of human infections. domestic animal rearing is a very common practice in india particularly in rural areas. the present study of kap of zoonosis showed 68.2 % of 500 families interviewed did not have knowledge about zoonotic diseases in rural bengal and not a single family had any idea of campylobacter infections.200617191406
culture-independent real-time pcr reveals extensive polymicrobial infections in hospitalized diarrhoea cases in kolkata, india.clin microbiol infect abstract: culture-independent identification of diarrhoeal aetiological agents was performed using dna harvested from diarrhoeal stool specimens with sybr-green-based real-time pcr targeting vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter spp., shigella spp. and three different pathotypes of diarrhoeagenic escherichia coli. conventional culture-dependent methods detected bacterial enteropathogens in 68 of 122 diarrhoeal stool specimens. of 68 specimens, 59 (86.8%) h ...201122268636
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