
rotaviruses in infants with diarrhea studied by viral rna electrophoresis in ankara, turkey.incidence of rotavirus in children under 2 years of age, admitted to 2 children's hospitals i n ankara, turkey, from july 1984-june 1985 was measured using viral rna electrophoresis in agarose gels. 375 children were selected at random from over 14,000 diarrhea admissions, and their stool specimens taken on admission were compared to those of 333 children without diarrhea. 61 (16.3%) of the diarrhea cases had detectable rotavirus, compared to 0% in controls. bacteriologic tests for salmonella ...19872851886
the isolation of certain pathogen microorganisms from raw this research, a total of 211 raw milk samples in different areas of ankara were collected from various dairy plants. each of these samples was tested for the presence of yersinia enterocolitica, listeria monocytogenes and campylobacter spp. from a total of 14 (6.63%) y. enterocolitica and y. enterocolitica-like organisms were isolated. 8 (3.79%) of the total isolation were identified as y. enterocolitica whereas 6 (2.84%) of these were found to be y. enterocolitica-like organisms. in additio ...199910499148
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