
the epidemiology of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis at a large teaching characterize the epidemiology of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa).200111519915
omphalitis associated with aspergillus fumigatus in poults.omphalitis associated with aspergillosis was diagnosed in four cases of commercial turkey poults ranging in age from 3 to 9 days old. in two cases, the mycotic agent present in the yolk sac was isolated and identified as aspergillus fumigatus. in the other two cases, the fungi were identified as aspergillus sp. on the basis of morphologic characteristics of the fungi in tissue sections. the fungi present were further confirmed to be of the genus aspergillus by immunohistochemistry. omphalitis by ...200516094841
monitoring of fungal loads in seabird rehabilitation centers with comparisons to natural seabird environments in northern california.aspergillosis remains a major cause of mortality in captive and rehabilitated seabirds. to date, there has been poor documentation of fungal (particularly aspergillus spp.) burdens in natural seabird loafing and roosting sites compared with fungal numbers in rehabilitation or captive settings and the various microenvironments that seabirds are exposed to during the rehabilitation process. this study compares fungal, particularly aspergillus spp., burdens potentially encountered by seabirds in na ...201424712159
molecular sub-typing suggests that the environment of rehabilitation centers may be a potential source of aspergillus fumigatus infecting rehabilitating seabirds.aspergillosis remains a major cause of infection-related avian mortality in birds that are debilitated and undergoing rehabilitation for release into the wild. this study was designed to understand the source of avian aspergillosis in seabirds undergoing rehabilitation at selected northern california aquatic bird rehabilitation centers. air, surface and water sampling was performed between august 2007 and july 2008 in three such centers and selected natural seabird loafing sites. average air asp ...201121756021
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