
salmonella and aspergillus infections in common loons overwintering in florida.during a 5-year period (1970-1975), 190 common loons (gavia immer) from overwintering populations on the east and west coasts of florida were examined for evidence of infectious diseases. salmonella spp (representing 8 serotypes) were isolated from 27 (14%) of the loons, and lesions typical of those produced by aspergillus fumigatus were found in 34 (18%) of the loons. seven loons were infected with salmonella spp and had lesions typical of aspergillus infection. the largest number of loons (124 ...1976789314
thermophilic fungi in a municipal waste compost system. 19734585097
isolation of thermophilic fungi from alligator nesting material. 19734579987
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