
enteric infections in singapore with special reference to typhoid.a review of the epidemiological features of the more important enteric infections in singapore was given. enteric fevers (typhoid and paratyphoid), salmonella gastroenteritis and shigellosis remained endemic at a rather constant level in spite of vast improvement in environmental sanitation, but amoebic dysentery showed marked decline. vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important cause of food poisoning since it was first reported in 1973. el tor cholera is believed to be introduced through regional ...1978107597
serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of shigella isolates in singapore.serogrouping of 506 shigella strains isolated in singapore from 1986 to 1990 showed that shigella flexneri (60.3%) was the most common, followed by s. sonnei (33.6%), s. boydii (3.2%) and s. dysenteriae (3%). of the 23 shigella serotypes identified, the predominant ones were s. flexneri types 2a and 1b, s. boydii types 1 and 5, and s. dysenteriae types 1 and 3. more than 80% of the shigella species were resistant to at least one antimicrobial drug, and the incidence of multiresistance was partic ...19911800565
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