
toxigenic fungi in food.forty-five fungal isolates from moldy supermarket foods were tested for toxicity to brine shrimp, and twenty-two of these isolates were subsequently tested for toxicity to chicken embryos. highly toxigenic fungi were cladosporium sphaerospermum from a bakery product, fusarium oxysporum from carrots, f. solani from cabbage, aspergillus niger and penicillium corylophilum from bread, p. cyclopium and p. herguei from corn meal, p. lanosum from onions,p. steckii from chocolate syrup, penicillium sp. ...19751147614
frequency and diversity of fungi colonizing tissues of upland cotton.a study of the mycoflora of upland cotton in alabama was conducted throughout the 2000 and 2001 growing seasons. plants were sampled at seedling, first bloom, full bloom, and maturity stages of development. thirty-seven genera representing 58 species of fungi were isolated, including 9 species of fusarium. fusarium oxysporum, f. solani, and f. equiseti were the most common members of this genus occurring at all four sampling stages in both years. eight species accounted for 67% of the total fung ...200415180159
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