
the occurrence of candida albicans in lake ontario bathing beaches.there are inherent weaknesses associated with currently used bacterial fecal pollution indicator systems. fecal pollution indicator data would be more meaningful if supplemented with information relating to the occurrence of pathogens in recreational water. through surveys of four bathing beaches on lake ontario, it was established that the opportunistically pathogenic yeast candida albicans occurs in near shore waters. the beaches surveyed could be differentiated on the basis of bacterial fecal ...1979120220
microbiological investigation of an outbreak of bacteraemia due to streptococcus faecalis in an intensive care increased incidence of bacteraemia due to streptococcus faecalis in a critical care and trauma centre (cctc) during november 1985 prompted investigation. during the epidemic 21 blood cultures from five cctc patients were positive for s. faecalis. a point prevalence culture survey revealed two more strains from wounds from two of these five patients. fifteen strains from blood cultures and the two strains from wound sites were further characterized by conventional biotyping methods and suscept ...19882907332
laboratory contamination of specimens with quality control strains of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in ontario.cross-contamination with laboratory control strains of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecalis was documented in 15 clinical specimens from nine clinical microbiology laboratories in ontario, canada. laboratories should be alert to the possibility of contamination of specimens with vancomycin-resistant enterococci from the laboratory environment. molecular typing of strains may assist in elucidating the source of such contamination.200212089309
isolation and identification of enterococci from the intestinal tract of the, c. g. (department of national health and welfare, ottawa, ontario, canada), and w. b. sarles. isolation and identification of enterococci from the intestinal tract of the rat. j. bacteriol. 88:965-973. 1964.-surface inoculation was employed in a comparison of three selective media, m-enterococcus (m) agar, thallium acetate-glucose (titg) agar, and kf-streptococcus (kf) agar, for enumeration and isolation of enterococci from contents of the digestive tract of the rat. similar yields of en ...196414219061
distribution of selected virulence genes and antibiotic resistance in enterococcus species isolated from the south nation river drainage basin, ontario, canada.isolate and characterize water enterococci from the south nation river drainage basin, an area dominated by agriculture.201021091592
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