
[prevalence of the bacteria causing diarrea in a rosario hospital, argentina].bacterial agents causing diarrea in patients attended in a hospital of rosario, argentina. the frequency of bacterial agents causing diarrhea can vary in patients of different areas, and through the time. in an epidemiological surveillance we studied 304 patients with diarrheal diseases looking for salmonella enterica, shigella spp, campylobacter spp, aeromonas spp, yersinia enterocolitica, and diarrheogenic escherichia coli. c. jejuni was isolated in 30 patients (9,9 %), salmonella in 18 (5,9 % ...200617639815
species and serovars of enteropathogenic agents associated with acute diarrheal disease in rosario, argentina.we report the most frequent species and serovars of enteropathogenic organisms in rosario from 1985 to 1993. enteropathogenic escherichia coli was the most prevalent agent affecting 144/570 (25.2%) children; 0111 represented 41.8%, 055: 13.6%, 0119: 12.7%. among enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec) the most frequent were etec-st 0128:h21 and 0153:h45. shigella spp were isolated in 8.8%; s. flexneri: 7%, principally type 2 (59.5%); s. sonnei: 1.6%, and s. dysenteriae type 2: 0.2%. campylobacter spp wer ...19968762632
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