
[gynaecologists' attitudes and practices towards hpv vaccination: a quantitative-qualitative study in rhône-alpes].acceptance of the human papilloma virus (hpv) vaccine by targeted population will mainly depend on its acceptability among gynaecologists. we examined the perceptions, attitudes and practices of gynaecologists in relation to hpv vaccination 1 year after licensing.201121856203
human papillomavirus genotype distribution among french women with and without cervical assess human papillomavirus (hpv) prevalence and distribution among french women with normal and pathologic cytology findings.201121669421
human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccination: perception and practice among french general practitioners in the year since licensing.acceptance of the human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine by targeted populations will depend to a large extent on its acceptability among physicians. we examined the perceptions, attitudes and practices of general practitioners (gps) in relation to hpv vaccination. from november 2007 to april 2008, a cross-sectional survey was carried out among a representative 5% sample of gps in the large rhône-alpes region of france. both quantitative (self-administered questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) ...201121616114
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