
antimicrobial susceptibility testing of clinical isolates of bordetella pertussis from northern california: report from the sentry antimicrobial surveillance program.reports of an increased clinical incidence of pertussis and the development of resistance by bordetella pertussis to erythromycin prompted the collection and testing of recent clinical isolates from patients in northern california against a range of antimicrobial agents by the etest (ab biodisk, solna, sweden) method. all isolates were fully susceptible to all eight agents tested (mic, <or=0.38 microg/ml), including newer fluoroquinolones, such as gatifloxacin (mic of which 90% of the isolates t ...200111709347
detection of bordetella pertussis and respiratory synctial virus in air samples from hospital evaluate the distribution of bordetella pertussis and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) in the hospital setting.19989872529
use and safety of acellular pertussis vaccine among adult hospital staff during an outbreak of pertussis.during may and june 1993, 10 patients and 5 members of the clinical staff at a hospital in california were diagnosed with bordetella pertussis infection. in addition to erythromycin prophylaxis, 630 (48%) of 1330 staff members received a half dose of acellular pertussis vaccine with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (dtap). to identify side effects of the vaccine, a questionnaire was completed by 344 (54%) of 630 vaccinated staff. side effects were reported by 117 respondents (34%); 64 were classif ...19957706789
bordetella pertussis serotypes in a whooping cough outbreak. 19744363474
prevalence and molecular characterization of pertactin-deficient bordetella pertussis in the united states.pertussis has shown a striking resurgence in the united states, with a return to record numbers of reported cases as last observed in the 1950s. bordetella pertussis isolates lacking pertactin, a key antigen component of the acellular pertussis vaccine, have been observed, suggesting that b. pertussis is losing pertactin in response to vaccine immunity. screening of 1,300 isolates from outbreak and surveillance studies (historical isolates collected from 1935 up to 2009, isolates from the 2010 c ...201424256623
the agglutinin response to whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccines is bordetella pertussis--strain determine the significance of the bordetella pertussis strain used as the antigen in the agglutinin assay for the evaluation of pertussis vaccines.19921415040
pertussis diagnoses among service members and other beneficiaries of the u.s. military health system, january 2005-june 2012.pertussis ("whooping cough") is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium bordetella pertussis. individuals at highest risk are infants and unvaccinated children; however, there have been recent increases in incidence among adolescent and young adult populations in the united states. during the surveillance period, there were 476 confirmed and 3,073 probable cases of pertussis among u.s. military members and other beneficiaries of the u.s. military health system. among serv ...201222963256
an upsurge in pertussis: epidemiology and trends.the objective of the study was to review the 2010 pertussis upsurge occurring within california and recent experiences at a large tertiary care children's hospital within california.201222344207
human bocavirus: prevalence and clinical spectrum at a children's hospital.molecular methods of pathogen discovery have recently led to the description of several new respiratory viruses. human bocavirus (hbov), a proposed member of the family parvoviridae, is one of the most recently described respiratory viruses. initial reports indicate that hbov is a common cause of respiratory tract infection in children.200616804840
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