
opposite patterns of synchrony in sympatric disease metapopulations.measles epidemics in uk cities, which were regular and highly synchronous before vaccination, are known to have become irregular and spatially uncorrelated in the vaccine era. whooping cough shows the reverse pattern, namely a shift from spatial incoherence and irregularity before vaccination to regular, synchronous epidemics afterward. models show that these patterns can arise from disease-specific responses to dynamical noise. this analysis has implications for vaccination strategies and illus ...199910542154
sero-epidemiology of bordetella pertussis in england and wales.the incidence of pertussis infection can be estimated in the population by defining a single high titre of anti pertussis toxin (pt) immunoglobulin g (igg) antibody predictive of recent infection. sera samples collected in 1986, 1996 or annually between 1987 and 1998 were tested for anti-pt igg antibody. in 1996, the age-adjusted prevalence of pertussis infection was 1.2% and was higher in children than in adults. amongst samples collected annually, older age and female sex, but none of the temp ...200415003661
estimating the duration of pertussis immunity using epidemiological notifications of pertussis have shown an increase in a number of countries with high rates of routine pediatric immunization. this has led to significant public health concerns over a possible pertussis re-emergence. a leading proposed explanation for the observed increase in incidence is the loss of immunity to pertussis, which is known to occur after both natural infection and vaccination. little is known, however, about the typical duration of immunity and its epidemiological implication ...200919876392
role of pcr in the diagnosis of pertussis infection in infants: 5 years' experience of provision of a same-day real-time pcr service in england and wales from 2002 to part of an enhanced surveillance programme for pertussis in england and wales, a real-time pcr service for the detection of bordetella pertussis was introduced for infants aged <or=6 months admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit or paediatric ward with a respiratory illness compatible with pertussis. two real-time fluorescent resonance energy transfer hybridization probe lightcycler (roche diagnostics) pcr assays were used. one (designed in-house) targeted the pertussis toxin s1 promote ...200919528165
modelling the unidentified mortality burden from thirteen infectious pathogenic microorganisms in infants.official statistics routinely underestimate mortality from specific microorganisms and deaths are assigned to non-specific syndromes. here we estimate mortality attributed to specific pathogens by modelling non-specific infant deaths from laboratory reports and codes on death certificates for these pathogens, 1993-2000 in england and wales using a generalized linear model. in total, 22.4-59.8% of non-specific deaths in infants (25-66 deaths a year) are attributable to specific pathogens. yearly ...200716740187
serological evidence of pertussis in patients presenting with cough in general practice in birmingham.three hundred and fifty-six patients in a large suburban practice (registered population 10,400), were diagnosed clinically with acute laryngitis/tracheitis or whooping cough (acute spasmodic cough of three weeks duration) between march 1996 and november 1997. forty out of 145 who provided specimens for serological testing had evidence of recent infection with bordetella pertussis. during the study a further 18 patients (mostly younger patients who presented early) had a diagnosis of pertussis c ...200010902257
bordetella pertussis isolation in general practice: 1977-79 whooping cough epidemic in west glamorgan.some of the factors influencing the isolation rate of bordetella pertussis during a whooping cough epidemic in west glamorgan, wales, are reported. the organism was isolated from 39% of patients with clinical whooping cough, pernasal swabbing being much more successful than cough plates. isolation rates were increased in the non-immunized, particularly in the first year of life. erythromycin and co-trimoxazole significantly reduced the isolation rate of b. pertussis but this did not occur with p ...19836300227
the epidemiology of pertussis in england and wales.recovery in the uptake of whole-cell pertussis vaccine from 30% in 1978 to 91% in 1992 has resulted in a major reduction in the incidence of pertussis and in the proportion of cases occurring in pre-school children. this has been accompanied by a decline in pertussis mortality rates, with no deaths reported since september 1990. seventy-four per cent of the 50 fatal cases reported since 1980 have been infants under one year of age, demonstrating the importance of completing primary immunisation ...19921285134
antimicrobial susceptibility testing of historical and recent clinical isolates of bordetella pertussis in the united kingdom using the etest method.reports of the development of antimicrobial resistance by bordetella pertussis to macrolides in the united states and taiwan, together with a recent increase in pertussis notifications and laboratory-confirmed cases in england and wales in 2008, prompted the examination of historical and recent clinical isolates from patients for evidence of such resistance in our collection. isolates submitted to our laboratory as part of the enhanced surveillance scheme for pertussis, from 2001 to 2009, were t ...201020521155
bordetella pertussis surveillance in england and wales: 1995-7.available data sources on disease due to bordetella pertussis, including notifications, hospital admissions, deaths, and an enhanced laboratory-based surveillance system commenced in january 1994, were reviewed for the period 1995-7. pertussis notifications continued their approximately 3-year cycle although at historically reduced levels. a slight seasonal increase in late summer/early autumn existed over and above a relatively constant background rate. over time, the proportion of pertussis ca ...199910694150
vaccine efficacy and control measures in outbreak of pertussis in primary school-children in the st david's area of pembrokeshire provided the opportunity to estimate pertussis vaccine efficacy. the estimate of efficacy was 88% when notified cases were used, but this fell to 68% when all children with bouts of coughing for two or more weeks were included. notified cases were significantly less likely to have been vaccinated than other cases with similar symptoms. therefore vaccine efficacy estimates based upon notified cases are lik ...19911863099
severity of whooping cough in england before and after the decline in pertussis immunisation.since the decline of pertussis immunisation, hospital admission and death rates from whooping cough have fallen unexpectedly. although this might be taken to indicate that the disease is becoming less severe, a comparison of admissions and deaths in england and wales before and after the decline in immunisation suggests that several factors other than disease severity--a shift in the social class distribution of the disease, an increase in the proportion of milder cases notified, and improved ca ...19846322706
letter: whooping-cough vaccination. 197547031
the recurrence of whooping cough: possible implications for assessment of vaccine efficacy. 19826121976
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