
hpv vaccine catch up schedule - an opportunity for chlamydia screening.the human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine (gardasil) catch up schedule in general practice is available until june 2009 to females not in school and under the age of 27 years. a course of three injections is given over 6 months. this provides a unique opportunity for sexual health screening in an age group where chlamydia screening is a priority.200818592070
adolescent and young adult hpv vaccination in australia: achievements and challenges.australia commenced an ongoing school based government funded human papillomaviruses (hpv) (cervical cancer prevention) vaccination program in april 2007 for adolescent females aged 12-13 years. in addition, up to december 31, 2009, a catch-up program for young females 13-26 years of age was offered: a school-based vaccination program was used to offer hpv vaccine to girls enrolled in school (14-17 years), and general practitioners or other community health provider offered vaccine to young wome ...201121962468
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