
distribution and clinical significance of human papillomavirus subtypes in shenzhen city, people's republic of china.this study investigated the subtype distribution of the human papillomavirus (hpv) in the patients with condyloma accuminatum (ca) in shenzhen city, china, and assessed the relationship between different hpv subtypes and cervical neoplasia. type-specific prevalence and extent of multiple infections were assessed in the genital tract. ca samples collected from the 352 patients in the departments of dermatology and gynecology from the people's hospital in shenzhen during 2004-2006, using my09/11 p ...200817624987
[distribution of human papillomavirus types in shenzhen women].to investigate the status of genital infection as well as distribution of types of human papillomavirus (hpv) in women in shenzhen and provide population data for the future vaccine intervention on cervical cancer.200617260477
human papillomavirus messenger rna assay for cervical cancer screening: the shenzhen cervical cancer screening trial i.testing for high-risk types of human papillomavirus (hpv) has been consistently more sensitive than cervical cytology for high-grade precancers and cancers of the cervix (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or higher) but less specific. new assays are being developed to improve on the overall accuracy of molecular testing. the gen-probe aptima hpv assay (ahpv) is a multiplex assay that qualitatively detects 14 hpv types in a single tube. because the ahpv targets hpv-e6/e7 messenger rna tr ...201021051986
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