
genital mycoplasmas in women attending a family planning clinic in guiné-bissau and their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents.a study on the prevalence of genital mycoplasmas and their susceptibility to the most common antimicrobial agents used for treating the infection was conducted on 94 women attending a family planning clinic in guiné-bissau. fifty-four women (57.4%) were positive for mycoplasma hominis and/or ureaplasma urealyticum. m. hominis and u. urealyticum separately isolated from infected women yielded frequencies of 31.5 and 27.8%, respectively, the remainder were infected with both species. no strain was ...200312711099
mycoplasma genitalium is not associated with adverse outcomes of pregnancy in evaluate the impact of mycoplasma genitalium on the outcome of pregnancy.200212181470
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