
incidence of bacterial coinfection with respiratory syncytial virus bronchopulmonary infection in pediatric inpatients.bacterial coinfection occurs in pediatric bronchopulmonary infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), but the incidence is uncertain. our subjects are 188 pediatric inpatients having rsv bronchopulmonary infection in two hospitals in chiba prefecture between 2005 and 2007. on admission, antigen detection kits using nasopharyngeal aspirate were performed to detect rsv infection and washed sputum bacterial culture was performed to detect bacterial infection. of the 188 pediatric inpat ...201120700753
prevalence and molecular analysis of macrolide-resistant moraxella catarrhalis clinical isolates in japan, following emergence of the highly macrolide-resistant strain nsh1 in 2011.although moraxella catarrhalis is known to be susceptible to macrolides, highly macrolide-resistant m. catarrhalis isolates have recently been reported in japan and china. in this study, we investigated the prevalence of macrolide-resistant m. catarrhalis isolates in tokyo and chiba, japan, and studied the mechanisms underlying their resistance. specifically, we determined the susceptibility of 593 clinical isolates (collected between december 2011 and may 2014) to erythromycin, using the disk d ...201525934551
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