
retrospective evaluation of factors associated with the risk of seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii in horses in new york state.a retrospective study was designed to determine the distribution of equine monocytic ehrlichiosis among the equine population in new york state, and to identify factors associated with risk of disease. serum samples submitted to the diagnostic laboratory of the university during the period from january 1985 through december 1986 were examined for antibodies to ehrlichia risticii, using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. factors evaluated included geographic origin and date of submissio ...19921456543
equine ehrlichial colitis (potomac horse fever): recognition of the disease in pennsylvania, new jersey, new york, ohio, idaho, and connecticut.equine ehrlichial colitis (potomac horse fever), a newly identified colitis of the horse, was first recognized in maryland. in this report, we document occurrence of the disease in pennsylvania, new jersey, new york, ohio, idaho, and connecticut. enzootic areas were recognized by a characteristic pattern. frequently there was a seasonal pattern and high prevalence of sporadic colitis in unstressed horses. the attack rate per farm generally was low. horses on pasture, as well as those stabled, we ...19863744978
geographical variation of seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii (equine monocytic ehrlichiosis) of horses in new york state.a total of 2,579 serum samples from horses in new york state during 1985-1986 were examined for seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. cluster analysis statistical technique was used to group counties according to their estimated eme-disease rate (seropositive proportion of sampled horses). counties were clustered into 4 groups of different eme-disease rates, representing high (86% seropositive), medium (66% seropositive), medium-low (47% seroposi ...19948575378
evaluation of vaccination of horses as a strategy to control equine monocytic determine whether preferentially vaccinated horses were at risk for exposure to ehrlichia risticii, whether horses with equine monocytic ehrlichiosis (eme) were likely to have been nonvaccinated, and whether clinical severity and financial costs associated with care and treatment of eme were less for vaccinated horses with eme than for nonvaccinated horses with eme.19968635974
evaluation of travel and use as a risk factor for seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii in horses of new york determine whether mean annual frequency and destination of equine travel was associated with exposure to ehrlichia risticii and whether these associations were modified by horses' place of residence.19968669754
cross-sectional evaluation of environmental, host, and management factors associated with risk of seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii in horses of new york locate counties within new york state with a high seroprevalence among the equine population, to determine host, management, and environmental factors that were associated with seropositivity to ehrlichia risticii, and to determine evidence for arthropod- or helminth-mediated transmission of e risticii to horses.19968669755
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