
high radiocesium levels in granite outcrop vegetation and reductions through time.levels of fallout radiocesium in vegetation were examined on three granite outcrops and a forested area in the georgia piedmont during 1976-1980. mean values averaged 4.3 times higher in three species collected on an outcrop than in the same species collected on clay soils in a nearby pine-hardwood forest. levels in reindeer moss (cladonia spp.) were significantly (p less than 0.01) lower in species that formed deep, entangled tufts with abundant, slender branches. cesium levels decreased by as ...19912001949
observations on the internal parasites of reindeer introduced into south georgia.norwegina reindeer, rangifer tarandus, were introduced to the sub-antarctic island of south georgia in 1911 & 1925. because there are few potential intermediate hosts and no other ungulates on the island, the internal parasite fauna of the reindeer is poor in species. warble flies do not occur. only three species of direct-cycling intestinal nematode and one species of cestode were found. though the output of strongylid eggs rose in spring, parasites were probably not a primary cause of mortalit ...19807456282
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