
detection of a spotted fever group rickettsia in amblyomma cajennense (acari: ixodidae) in south texas.thai tick typhus rickettsia (strain tt-118), a spotted fever group rickettsia of indeterminant pathogenicity, was isolated from a mixed pool of larval ixodes and rhipicephalus ticks collected from thailand in 1962. here we report the surprising finding of a spotted fever group rickettsia with closest sequence homology to the thai tick typhus rickettsia in amblyomma cajennense (f.) ticks from south texas. sequence analysis was performed on segments of 3 genes that differentiate rickettsial specie ...19989701930
analysis of serum and whole blood values in relation to helminth and ectoparasite infections of feral pigs in the summers of 1996 and 1997, 60 wild pigs (sus scrofa) were necropsied from three sites in south texas (usa) to test the hypothesis that serum and whole blood parameters vary significantly (p < or = 0.05) with the prevalence and intensity of parasites infecting wild pigs. we found ten parasite species: five nematodes (metastrongylus salmi, metastrongylus pudentotectus, stephanurus dentatus, oesophagostomum dentatum, and physocephalus sexalatus); four ixodid ticks (amblyomma cajennense, ambly ...200212038138
field collection and genetic classification of tick-borne rickettsiae and rickettsiae-like pathogens from south texas: coxiella burnetii isolated from field-collected amblyomma cajennense.we are reporting the first known isolation of the q-fever agent coxiella burnetii from field-collected cayenne ticks amblyomma cajennense in north america. q-fever affects a number of domestic ungulates where it can lead to abortion in sheep and goats. there is far less known about the disease's effects on wild species, primarily because of the tendency of the disease to self resolve and to provide long-term immunity to subsequent infections. the first recovery of c. burnetii in north america wa ...200819120212
equine piroplasmosis associated with amblyomma cajennense ticks, texas, usa.we report an outbreak of equine piroplasmosis in southern texas, usa, in 2009. infection prevalence reached 100% in some areas (292 infected horses). amblyomma cajennense was the predominant tick and experimentally transmitted theileria equi to an uninfected horse. we suggest that transmission by this tick species played a role in this outbreak.201122000367
comparison of the isozyme phenotypes of the morphologically similar ticks amblyomma cajennense and a. imitator (acari: ixodidae) from south texas.a survey of amblyomma koch tick populations in southern texas revealed that a. imitator kohls was restricted to the two most southern counties, but that a. cajennense (fabricius) ranged at least as far north as kingsville, tex. females of the two species could be distinguished by the presence of chitinous tubercles on the festoons of a. cajennense and the presence of projections over both sides of the apron of the genital aperture in a. imitator. males were distinguished by size, ornamentation, ...19892926774
parasites of the collared peccary from texas.results of a survey of the parasites of the collared peccary (dicotyles tajacu angulatus) in texas are presented. three ectoparasites, amblyomma cajennense, dermacentor variabilis, and pulex porcinus were very common on peccaries from south texas, but less common or absent in arid west texas. sucking lice, pecaroecus javalii, were common on peccaries from west texas, but were not found in south texas. the known range of this louse in texas is extended into the big bend area. two ticks, amnblyomm ...197016509125
meteorological indicators for amblyomma cajennense and population dynamics in the tamaulipan biotic province in texas.we studied the population dynamics of free-living ticks in the tamaulipan biotic province in south texas from march, 2005 to november, 2008. we collected 70,873 ticks using carbon dioxide traps. amblyomma cajennense represented 93.6% of the ticks identified. a. cajennense is distributed from northern argentina to south texas in the tamaulipan biotic province. emergence of larval a. cajennense ticks was observed two to five weeks after significant rain events (p<0.0001) and had a strong negative ...201121635651
rickettsia honei: a spotted fever group rickettsia on three continents.rickettsia honei (also known as strain tt-118) has been detected on three continents. originally isolated in thailand in 1962 (and confirmed in 2001), it has also been detected on flinders island (australia) in 1993 and in texas (usa) in 1998. on each continent it has been associated with a different species of tick. the original isolate (thai tick typhus strain tt-118) was from a pool of larval ixodes and rhipicephalus ticks. later it was detected in i. granulatus from rattus rattus. its pathog ...200312860601
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