
isolation and characterization of marine luminous bacteria from shallow coastal waters of taiwan.marine luminous bacteria were isolated and identified from samples in shallow coastal waters of taiwan during the relatively warm seasons.200717332902
virulence of photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida in cultured cobia rachycentron outbreak of serious mortality among the cultured cobia rachycentron canadum (weighing 3 kg) characterized by the presence of whitish granulomatous deposits on the kidney, liver and spleen occurred in july of 2000 in taiwan. a non-motile strain cp1 was isolated from kidney and/or liver on tryptic soy agar and/or brain heart infusion agar plates (both supplemented with 1% nacl, w/v). this strain was characterized and identified as photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida using biochemical chara ...200314625900
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