
epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma.epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma are reviewed. the high frequency of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) antibodies in young women (21 years or younger) with cervical carcinoma in situ and in women with dysplasia or carcinoma in situ, matched for various sexual attributes to control women, provide support for a causal relation. however, various laboratory, histopathological, and statistical problems associated with all epidemiological studies do ...19744366985
herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 educational assessment of young adults in rural southwest virginia.herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) causes genital herpes, one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (stis) in the u.s. hsv-1, commonly associated with cold sores, is increasing as a cause of genital herpes. abstinence-only sexual health classes, commonly taught in virginia, generate young adults who are under-educated in sexual health, increasing sti risks. college students in southwest virginia were surveyed to assess comprehensiveness of high school health education regarding hsv-1 an ...201728654651
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