
the epidemiology and interrelationship of cervical dysplasia and type 2 herpesvirus in a low-income housing project.this report examines the association between cervical dysplasia and herpes simplex virus type 2 antibodies in a low-income housing project, atlanta, georgia. we established a clinic in this project at which women could receive a breast examination and papanicolaou smear and have blood drawn to be tested for herpesvirus type 2 antibodies. prevalence of herpesvirus rose sharply as age increased. there was a significant absence of antibodies in young, nulliparous women. dysplasia showed a tendency ...1975170825
epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma.epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma are reviewed. the high frequency of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) antibodies in young women (21 years or younger) with cervical carcinoma in situ and in women with dysplasia or carcinoma in situ, matched for various sexual attributes to control women, provide support for a causal relation. however, various laboratory, histopathological, and statistical problems associated with all epidemiological studies do ...19744366985
serologic detection of herpes simplex virus type 2 antibodies among pregnant women using a point-of-care test from focus diagnostics.serologic assays that identify herpes simplex type 2 (hsv-2) type-specific antibodies have been commercially available for more than a decade. greater acceptance of these tests is hindered by uncertainty regarding their performance in real-world clinical settings.200919131273
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