
relationship of smoking to lifestyle factors in women.the purposes of this research were to examine the relationship of female smoking and lifestyle factors and to assess the applicability of an index of "emancipation" to smoking status in women who live in the province of ontario. the index of "emancipation," developed by eide, was based on distinguishing women who are not following traditional roles as housewives from those who are. while reports in the literature confirm that occupational status, marital status and educational achievement are re ...19873424848
sexual and socioeconomic factors affecting the risk of past infections with herpes simplex virus type 2.between november 1978 and may 1980, a cross-sectional survey of 566 females and 391 males, aged 35 to 50 years, living in metropolitan toronto, was conducted to examine the influence of socioeconomic status and sexual behavior on the occurrence of antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2. antibodies to the virus were detected in 17.5% of females and 12.8% of males. lower socioeconomic status was associated with an increased risk of herpes simplex virus type 2 seropositivity for females but not ...19836307043
regional distribution of antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 in men and women in ontario, canada.this study estimated the regional and age- and gender-specific seroprevalences of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 in ontario, canada. stored serum specimens from subjects aged 15 to 44 years, including men (n = 979), women not under prenatal care (n = 638), and women under prenatal care (n = 701) submitted for routine viral serology were randomly selected according to regional population size from public health laboratories. hsv-1 and hsv-2 testing was done with the mrl enzyme immu ...200312517830
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