
association between herpes simplex virus type 2 and hiv-1 in a population of married couples from dakar, senegal.numerous studies suggest that herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) increases the risk of hiv-1 infection but recent clinical trials of hsv-2 suppressive therapy failed to show an effect. we assessed the putative association between hsv-2 and hiv-1 in a population of hiv-concordant-negative, hiv-1-discordant and hiv-1-concordant-positive married couples from dakar, senegal. in agreement with previous studies, we observed a strong overall association between hsv-2 and hiv-1 (odds ratio 4.61; p < 0. ...201223155102
concentrated and linked epidemics of both hsv-2 and hiv-1/hiv-2 infections in senegal: public health impacts of the spread of hiv.the objective of this article is to report seroprevalences on hiv and herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) in female sex workers (fsw) and in two sentinel populations of pregnant women living in senegal. serosurveys of hiv and hsv-2 were conducted in two unselected sentinel populations from dakar, senegal, and its provinces, including in 2003 only pregnant women and 2006 pregnant women and fsw. the population study involved 888 pregnant women and 604 fsw. in pregnant women, hiv and hsv-2 seroprevalenc ...200919875833
low seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 among pregnant women in senegal.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is considered as a major co-factor of both sexual transmission and acquisition of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). the hiv epidemic in senegal is characterized by a remarkable and stable low prevalence. whether hsv-2 may also constitute a possible co-factor favouring the spreading of hiv epidemic in senegal is yet unknown. this prompted us to evaluate the hsv-2 seroprevalence in the sentinel population of pregnant women in senegal. two hundred and sixty ...200818397553
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