
[diagnosis of cerebral cysticercosis on réunion island by an immuno-enzymological method (elisa): comparison with x-ray computed tomography].an immunoenzymologic (elisa) serodiagnosis of cysticercosis is evaluated in 75 encephalic cysticercosis patients whose diagnosis of the disease and its progression in assessed by tomodensitometry. a taenia solium antigen is used. only igg are investigated. the sensibility of serodiagnosis is 85% and specificity 87% when there is a progression of the disease; no difference is noticed in the patients without any progression of the disease and in control normal subjects. this serodiagnosis of cysti ...19883283693
use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot for the diagnosis and monitoring of neurocysticercosis.a total of 70 proven cases of neurocysticercosis from la réunion (indian ocean) were studied with enzyme-linked immunoassay (elisa) and immunoelectrotransfer blot (eitb) to detect specific antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (csf). absorbance levels of antibody to crude taenia solium cyst extract as an antigen were compared with eitb banding-pattern and computed tomography-scan results. the eitb analysis of sera and csf from patients with active neurocysticercosis, confirmed with charact ...19957731920
[serodiagnosis of cysticercosis by elisa and western blot. their value and limitations in madagascar].cysticercosis is linked to the infestation of men (or pigs) by the larval stage of toenia solium: cysticercus cellulosae. this disease, very common in the third world, represents in madagascar, a very serious problem for public health. neurocysticercosis, particularly, must be detected before the stage of evolution towards cicatrisation. two biological tests have been developed: 1) elisa test: cysticercus antigen is prepared from pig cysticercus, with addition of pmsf: proteases inhibitor increa ...19902078078
[cysticercosis in madagascar: diagnostic and therapeutic improvement].human cysticercosis is linked to infection by the larval stage of taenia solium: cysticercus cellulosae and was identified in madagascar since 1901. neurocysticercosis constitute, when parasite is localized in cerebral vesicles, a disease with important neurologic symptoms: epilepsia, spasms... this disease would be diagnosed before parasite calcification and this diagnosis permit praziquantel treatment indication, with good results in many cases. we have developed cysticercosis diagnosis permit ...19921345095
[the current epidemiological situation of cysticercosis in madagascar].being associated to fecal-oral transmission, cysticercosis is contracted either by auto-infection or by ingestion of food contaminated with eggs from the pork tape worm (taenia solium). in the stomach, the larvae named cysticercus (cysticercus cellulosae) hatches from the eggs and invades the host through the mucosa membrane. human cysticercosis occurs in highly prevalent proportions in many developing countries including madagascar where hygiene conditions are deplicable. serology tests applica ...200315678816
population genetic structure of taenia solium from madagascar and mexico: implications for clinical profile diversity and immunological technology.taenia solium is a cestode parasitic of humans and pigs that strongly impacts on public health in developing countries. its larvae (cysticercus) lodge in the brain, causing neurocysticercosis, and in other tissues, like skeletal muscle and subcutaneous space, causing extraneuronal cysticercosis. prevalences of these two clinical manifestations vary greatly among continents. also, neurocysticercosis may be clinically heterogeneous, ranging from asymptomatic forms to severely incapacitating and ev ...200314572511
neurocysticercosis: a major aetiological factor of late-onset epilepsy in assess the impact of cysticercosis on public health in madagascar, we compared patients > 15 years with late-onset epilepsy to non-epileptic controls in a matched case-control study. the association between epilepsy and cysticercosis was studied by enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (eitb) assay for antibodies specific to taenia solium. the eitb assay was performed on 104 pairs of sera specimens and on 95 pairs of cerebrospinal fluid (csf) specimens. depending on whether we consider the ...19979294543
high prevalence of serological markers of cysticercosis among epileptic malagasy children.neurocysticercosis (i.e. cerebral localization of the metacestode larvae of taenia solium) is believed to be a major cause of late onset epilepsy in non-muslim developing countries. to define its role in childhood epilepsy in madagascar, analysis of serological markers of cysticercosis was performed in 256 children with unexplained epilepsy and in 113 controls. sera were considered positive when high titres in elisa were present together with at least one of the bands 13, 14, 18, 21, 24 or 32 kd ...19968893946
[ocular cysticercosis (o.c.) in madagascar (apropos of 6 cases)].cysticercosis is due to cysticercus cellulosae and was know since a long time. human is an intermediate occasional host by ingesting accidentally eggs of tenia. in madagascar, neurocysticercosis are predominating (55%), occular localisations are not frequent (5%) and concerned particularly vitreous humour and retina. diagnosis relies on serology: elisa test, then western blot completed with research of circulating antibody and antigen in the acqueous humor by immocapture. anatomopathologic test ...19948724807
the pig tapeworm taenia solium, the cause of cysticercosis: biogeographic (temporal and spacial) origins in madagascar.cysticercosis is a serious public health problem in madagascar. the prevalence rate of active cysticercosis reached 21% in regions with a high level of livestock farming. taenia solium of african-american and asian genotypes are both present on the island. the times of divergence of the 13 specimens studied suggests a very ancient diversification of t. solium. these events are widely thought to be prior to the domestication of pigs, and seem to follow the expansion of homo in asia. multiple huma ...201020093191
[case report of solitary breast cysticercosis in madagascar].the purpose of this report is to describe a case of solitary breast cysticercosis presenting as a banal breast lump in a 15-year-old girl. surgical excision was performed and histological examination demonstrated the presence of two cysticercus cellulosae larvae. characteristic features of this uncommon location are discussed based on a review of the literature.200717691439
[cysticercosis in the port of mahajanga: more frequent than we thought!].a seroepidemiological survey was carried out in july 1999 to assess the prevalence of cysticercosis in general population in the mahajanga city (west of madagascar). blood specimens were collected from a randomised sample including 626 individuals more than 2 years old. elisa and confirmative immunoblot techniques (eitb) were used to measure cysticercus cellulosae antibodies. the overall prevalence by elisa test was 19% (15.8-22.7% ci95%). among positive cases, 87% were also positive by eitb. cy ...200012463033
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