
the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis and other intestinal parasitoses in children in southern order to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidium and other intestinal parasites, a household sample survey of children under 5 years old was carried out during the late dry season in 8 rural villages in southern guinea-bissau, west africa. cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 10 of 270 stool samples (3.7%), using a safranin-methylene blue staining method. of these 10 children (age range 5-16 months), all non-muslims, 6 had diarrhoea, giving a prevalence of 12.5% in 48 children with diarr ...19873450011
the etiology of early childhood diarrhea: a community study from guinea-bissau.a potential enteropathogen was found in 50% of 1219 diarrheal episodes and 48% of 511 asymptomatic controls in a 1-year community study of childhood diarrhea. rotavirus (3% of episodes), cryptosporidium species (6%), and enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) with epec adherence factor (4%) were more prevalent in cases than controls. giardia lamblia (19%) was the most prevalent organism but was not associated with diarrhea. enterotoxigenic e. coli (12%), strongyloides stercoralis (5%), shigell ...19948158030
seven years' experience with cryptosporidium parvum in guinea-bissau, west community-based studies conducted from 1991 to 1997 in guinea-bissau, west africa, stool specimens from children aged less than 5 years with diarrhoea were routinely examined for enteric parasites. cryptosporidium parvum, found in 7.7% of 4,922 samples, was the second most common parasite, exceeded only by giardia lamblia which was found in 14.8% of the samples. the highest prevalence of cryptosporidium was found in children aged 6-11 months, whereas the prevalence of other enteric parasites ...200111732149
concurrent infections and socioeconomic determinants of geohelminth infection: a community study of schoolchildren in periurban guinea-bissau.we explored the association between subclinical intestinal helminth infections and other gastrointestinal pathogens in 706 schoolchildren from a poor semirural area while adjusting for socioeconomic risk factors. the study was carried out in two neighbouring areas in the capital of guinea-bissau in west africa. children aged 4-12 years were visited and one child per mother was invited to participate in the study. among the 706 children included in the study, helminths were detected in 44.2%, ent ...200919524992
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