diarrheal morbidity and mortality in children in the central african republic. | diarrheal morbidity and mortality in children less than 5 years old were studied in bangui, central african republic, by a cluster survey. we found a high prevalence of diarrheal disease with an estimated annual incidence of 7 episodes of diarrhea per child per year. the estimated annual mortality rate for children less than 5 years old was 28.6 per 1,000 and 85.8 per 1,000 for infants; 51.6% of deaths were reported to be associated with diarrhea. during the survey, stool specimens were collecte ... | 1987 | 3578657 |
[report on intestinal parasitosis in adults in an urban population of the central african republic]. | the authors point out the frequency of intestinal parasitism in bangui, biggest town and capital of the car. out of 3,352 samples, 1,570 were found positive. the main parasites found were: ankylostoma duodenale, 26,7%; schistosoma mansoni, 20,8%; entamoeba histolytica, 18,2%. the authors underline the polyparasitism. they also emphazide the differences with another study carried out in algiers and surrounding areas. | 1984 | 6488424 |
etiologies of acute, persistent, and dysenteric diarrheas in adults in bangui, central african republic, in relation to human immunodeficiency virus serostatus. | a study of the etiologies of diarrhea in adults in relation to their human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) serostatus and number of cd4+ cells was carried out in the central african republic. in cases and controls, multi-parasitism was observed. salmonella spp. were identified mainly during acute diarrhea, with 50% of the s. enteritidis isolated during the study being responsible for septicemia and/or urinary tract infection in immunodeficient patients. enteroaggregative escherichia coli (eaggec) w ... | 1998 | 9886215 |