
chronic diarrhea among adults in kigali, rwanda: association with bacterial enteropathogens, rectocolonic inflammation, and human immunodeficiency virus hundred patients with chronic diarrhea were seen in the department of internal medicine at the centre hospitalier de kigali, rwanda; stool and/or rectal swab culture was performed for these patients, and they underwent rectoscopy and serological testing for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated from 39 (39%) of the patients: shigella species (22 of 100 patients tested), non-typhi salmonella (11/100), aeromonas species (5/60), and campylobacter s ...19958589155
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and associated risk factors among kigali institute of education students in kigali, rwanda.intestinal parasitic infections (ipis) are a significant public health problem in sub- saharan africa (ssa) and rwanda is not spared. while eradication programs towards preschool-aged and school-aged children are undertaken, important gaps regarding ipis among students attending tertiary learning institutions remain. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of ipis and associated risk factors among kigali institute of education (kie) students who attended its medical clinic for stoo ...201324522143
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