
cholera on the louisiana gulf coast: historical notes and case report.a 67-year old woman was brought by ambulance to the hospital because of syncope and collapse. forty-eight hours prior to the admission she ate some crabs with her husband. the morning of admission she awakened with massive, watery diarrhea followed by vomiting and shock. she was admitted to the intensive care unit with hypotension and bradycardia. she was resuscitated after a large volume of fluid was administered. approximately 22 liters of fluids were administered in 24 hours. stool cultures g ...19892689545
toxigenic vibrio cholerae 01 infections--louisiana and florida. 19863092018
cholera after the consumption of raw oysters. a case august 1986, a 76-year-old woman in miami, florida, developed profuse watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps. two and four days before the onset of her illness, she had eaten six raw oysters at each of two restaurants in miami. a stool specimen yielded toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor, serotype inaba. the results of toxin gene probing of the organism recovered from the patient differed significantly from those of other v. cholerae o1 isolates from the gulf coast and elsewhere in the ...19873688678
molecular evolution of the seventh-pandemic clone of vibrio cholerae and its relationship to other pandemic and epidemic v. cholerae isolates.genetic variation and molecular evolution within the seventh-pandemic clone of vibrio cholerae o1 and its relationship to other v. cholerae isolates were examined by studying 58 clinical isolates that were epidemiologically unassociated and isolated from patients in different countries over 62 years (1931 to 1993). the sample consisted of 45 isolates from the seventh cholera pandemic (1961 to the present), 3 from the sixth pandemic, 3 from sporadic el tor outbreaks prior to the seventh pandemic, ...19947928989
two cases of toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 infection after hurricanes katrina and rita--louisiana, october 2005.louisiana was struck by hurricane katrina on august 29, 2005, and by hurricane rita on september 24, 2005. the two hurricanes caused unprecedented damage from wind and storm surge to the louisiana gulf coast region, and levee breaks resulted in flooding of large residential areas in and around new orleans. with the flooding, an immediate public health concern was the potential for outbreaks of infectious diseases, including cholera. nearly all vibrio infections in the united states are caused by ...200616424854
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