
public health impact of rwandan refugee crisis: what happened in goma, zaire, in july, 1994? goma epidemiology group.the flight of 500,000-800,000 rwandan refugees into the north kivu region of zaire in july, 1994, overwhelmed the world's response capacity. during the first month after the influx, almost 50,000 refugees died, an average crude mortality rate of 20-35 per 10,000 per day. this death rate was associated with explosive epidemics of diarrhoeal disease caused by vibrio cholerae 01 and shigella dysenteriae type 1. 3-4 weeks after the influx of refugees, acute malnutrition rates among children under 5 ...19957646638
[cholera in goma, july 1994. bioforce].in 1994, between july 14 and july 20, around one million of rwandan refugees fled to the north kivu region of zaire. in spite of the existence of favorable conditions for cholera, it was necessary to wait until the laboratories isolated the first strain of cholera, on july 20 and 21, before the international community took action in one of the most important outbreaks of cholera known. the total number of cases of cholera was 36 471, of which half occurred between july 21 and july 27, reaching a ...19968927778
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