
eradication of boophilus microplus (acari: ixodidae) in puerto rico.the ongoing cooperative effort between the united states department of agriculture, animal and plant health inspection service and the puerto rico department of agriculture to eradicate the southern cattle tick, boophilus microplus (canestrini), is reviewed. epidemiological and biological aspects of the tick that influence efficient control and/or eradication in puerto rico are discussed. the differences between the current eradication methodology and that initially utilized by the program are e ...19921626894
transmission of anaplasma marginale by boophilus microplus: retention of vector competence in the absence of vector-pathogen interaction.whether arthropod vectors retain competence for transmission of infectious agents in the long-term absence of vector-pathogen interaction is unknown. we addressed this question by quantifying the vector competence of two tick vectors, with mutually exclusive tropical- versus temperate-region distributions, for genetically distinct tropical- and temperate-region strains of the cattle pathogen anaplasma marginale. the tropical cattle tick boophilus microplus, which has been eradicated from the con ...200312904396
seroprevalence estimation and management factors associated with high herd seropositivity for babesia bovis in commercial dairy farms of puerto rico.a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine individual cow seroprevalence of babesia bovis in adult lactating dairy cattle of puerto rico (pr), to assess the associations of farm management factors on herd seroprevalence, and to document the species of ticks infesting cattle within these farms. antibody activity against b. bovis was determined using an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). serum samples were obtained from 2,414 adult lactating dairy cattle from 76 randomly selected c ...200919343529
association between ecological factors and the presence of rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus larvae in puerto rico.a prevalence study was conducted to survey tick larvae populations in puerto rico (pr), compare the number of infested sites with rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus larvae between the wet and dry season, and assess the associations of ecologic factors on the presence of r. microplus larvae. ninety-six sites were selected using a gis-based sampling method. each site was sampled twice; the first sampling was performed during the dry season (march 4-18, 2007) and the second sampling during the wet ...201222638941
use of taylor's power law in examining the spatial distribution of free-living boophilus microplus (acari: ixodidae) larvae in pastures in puerto rico.taylor's power law (y = amb) was used to analyze the spatial pattern of boophilus microplus (canestrini) larvae in tropical pastures. the index of aggregation b was 2.75 and showed that larvae were highly aggregated. the b-values differed significantly among certain pastures (lsd, p less than 0.05), and pasture type and use could have contributed to differences in b. the use of taylor's power law to adjust for sampling inconsistencies that occur in tropical pastures where regimented sampling can ...19873453787
sampling efficiency of three dragging techniques for the collection of nonparasitic boophilus microplus (acari: ixodidae) larvae in puerto rico. 19854008746
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