
prevalence of neutralizing antibody to jamestown canyon virus (california group) in populations of elk and moose in northern michigan and ontario, canada.blood samples were collected from free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus) harvested in michigan's northern lower peninsula, from moose (alces alces) relocated from ontario's algonquin provincial park to michigan's upper peninsula, and from moose from michigan's isle royale national park. sera were tested by serum dilution neutralization tests in vero cell culture for neutralizing antibody to california serogroup viruses, in particular jamestown canyon (jc), la crosse/snowshoe hare (lac/ssh), and trivi ...19863503129
infection of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in michigan with jamestown canyon virus (california serogroup) and the importance of maternal antibody in viral maintenance.sera collected from a captive population of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) penned in the lower peninsula of michigan were assayed over a 29-mo period for neutralizing antibody to california serogroup viruses. in all, 130 individual white-tailed deer were bled one to 22 times between june 1983 and november 1985. of the 130 sampled after active transmission had ceased, or passage of maternal antibody in colostrum had occurred, only one (0.8%), a newborn fawn, had no serum neutralizing ...19873102763
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