
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. vii. helminths in pigs slaughtered at the pretoria municipal abattoir.a total of 52 pigs slaughtered at the pretoria municipal abattoir over a period of 1 year was examined for parastitic helminths. twenty-six of these pigs were marketed by farmers and 26 by speculators. of the pigs marketed by farmers 73,1% were found to be infested:--30,8% with ascaris suum, 65,4% with ascarops strongylina, 3,8% with metastrongylus apri, 26,9% with oesophagostomum spp., 15,4% with trichostrongylus colubriformis and 15,4% with trichuris suis. all the pigs marketed by speculators ...1978568230
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