
ectoparasites of sympatric cottontails (sylvilagus audubonii nelson) and jack rabbits (lepus californicus mearns) from the high plains of eastern new mexico.eight species of ectoparasites were recovered from 35 sylvilagus audubonii and 35 lepus californicus occurring sympatrically near the clovis-portales area of eastern new mexico. recovered were anoplura (haemodipsus setoni), diptera (cuterebra lepusculi and cuterebra ruficrus), siphonaptera (echidnophaga gallinacea and euhoplopsyllus glacialis), and acari (ornithodoros parkeri, dermacentor parumapertus, and haemaphysalis leporispalustris). jaccard's index showed a 50% ectoparasitic overlap with h ...19883418460
collections of dermacentor parumapertus from cattle. 19655848806
the distribution of dermacentor hunteri and anaplasma sp. in desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis).the ixodid tick dermacentor hunteri has been collected intermittently this century, primarily from desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis). anaplasma spp. are intraerythrocytic rickettsial parasites of ungulates and are vectored in the western united states by ticks of the genus dermacentor. we tested the hypotheses that d. hunteri would be found infesting all populations of desert bighorn, and that all infested populations would be seropositive for anaplasma sp. dermacentor hunteri was found on ...19979057693
distribution, seasonality, and hosts of the rocky mountain wood tick in the united states.anaplasma marginale theiler is a tick-borne pathogen that causes anaplasmosis in cattle. there are approximately 20 tick species worldwide that are implicated as vectors of this pathogen. in the united states, dermacentor andersoni stiles and dermacentor variabilis (say) are the principal vectors. the risk of transmission of anaplasmosis to cattle has been largely based on the distribution of d. andersoni in the united states. we developed a centralized geographic database that incorporates coll ...200616506443
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